They Cloned Tyrone

Discussion in 'Movies' started by Dizzy, Jul 25, 2023.

  1. #1 Dizzy, Jul 25, 2023
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2023
    I Really Wanna See This Movie BC It Don Seem Like The Usual Films They Put Out. It Star Jamie Foxx An Kiefer Sutherland An Also My Home Girl Teyonah Parris Who I Think Isa Great Actress. Anybody Else Lookin Forward To This 1?

    • Creative Creative x 1
  2. I never even heard of it so I checked out the trailer. Looks pretty cool. I'm gonna watch it this weekend.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  3. LMK What You Think K?

  4. @Vee Have You Heard Of This?

  5. I'm waiting for it to arrive if it isn't already here
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  6. I Think It Already Here.

  7. what they say on IMDB:

    Just... Wow!! Some might not understand. But WOW!!.
    Wow!!! This ride started out confusing and disjointed, but once I realised the undertone and narrative I had to start over again.

    They cloned Tyrone leans heavily into several tropes and myths within the black community to relay a story about drugs in the community, how the community is/could be controlled, the roles of specific characters within the community, how a community can oppress itself and more.

    The depiction of chicken and perm as negative and influential but well embraced drugs... wow!?! Bravo! Applause applause applause.

    With insight into the culture, it's struggles and considerations to external influences, you can see how They Called Tyrone holds a mirror up to society, pokes fun at it while simultaneously spotlighting several issues.

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    • Creative Creative x 1
  8. I Really Lookin Forward To Seein It Once My Man Wanna Take Me.

    • Like Like x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. going tomoorow might
    • Winner Winner x 1
  10. Well You Gotta LMK Your Opinion Of It Since You Gon See It First K?

  11. They cloned Cheech & Chong's Tyrone shoelaces?
  12. What Do You Mean?

  13. It's an old bit/song "basketball jones" It wasn't racist when written and funny AF when we were early into weed. Worth a try. :thumbsup: also "how's my driving" enjoy.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  14. 'WE' went and after my babe said people don't really live like that in america do they?
    I said I'll ask on GC, but its a comedy, but that didn't come across well
    I have a funny feeling I'll be showing that in my cinema next week or so

    much better than what I've seen and commented on lately

    Stoner Value - High
    • Winner Winner x 1
  15. Yes we are that f'd up here (USA), everyone else is just F'd up differently, dontcha wish you could come visit? We would show you a good time. :passing-joint:
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Creative Creative x 1

  16. What Do She Mean Live Like What? I Glad You Like That Movie Tho My Man Takin Me To See It Tommorow.

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  17. #17 Vee, Jul 28, 2023
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2023
    the movie is set in the 1970's, my girl thought it was set in 2023
    ( I got that wrong its in current time, but got a 70's grind to it)
    • Funny Funny x 2
  18. Lol I Didnt Know It Was In 1970s Either Till Today. Pretty Crazy Movie Lol But Worth Watchin.

    • Winner Winner x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
  19. #20 Vee, Jul 30, 2023
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2023
    I saw it at work and are even more confused than before,
    is this how movie producers make more money now,
    making the movie more confusing than normal so we have to go back and watch again?

    below 'the plot' by wiki, you may need it

    Fontaine is a drug dealer in a retrofuturistic neighborhood called the Glen with odds against him and a schedule he keeps daily. His mother stays in her room all day and rarely speaks to Fontaine, and he still mourns the death of his younger brother. Slick Charles, one of Fontaine's customers, initiates a fight with one of his many sex workers, Yo-Yo. Fontaine goes to confront Slick Charles who owes Fontaine money and encounters Yo-Yo on the way. Fontaine is able to get some of the money from Slick but is then fatally shot by an opposing drug dealer named Isaac as he leaves.

    The next morning, Slick is shocked when Fontaine shows up for the money once again, somehow alive and without any recollections of the previous night's events. The two find Yo-Yo to confirm Slick's claims of his death, which confuses Fontaine. He remembers when a man, bleeding from a gunshot, was kidnapped by a mysterious van, which is now parked outside of a trap house. Fontaine goes inside the house to investigate, with Slick and Yo-Yo, who voice their concerns. They discover an elevator leading to an underground lab. Inside, a white scientist with an afro tells them that the operation has gone widespread. Slick snorts a mysterious white substance he thinks is cocaine, but ends up laughing forcefully and accidentally killing the scientist after Yo-Yo causes a small explosion. Before they leave, the trio discovers a corpse lying on a table, identical to Fontaine.

    The next morning, Fontaine breaks into the house again, only to find that the entrance to the lab has disappeared. At a fried chicken restaurant, every person in the building begins laughing at the same time, which makes Slick realize that the fried chicken, which has been said to have a new secret ingredient, contains the same white substance that he consumed previously. Investigating further, Yo-Yo seduces the restaurant manager, who coincidentally looks very similar to the scientist Slick killed. She discovers that the entirety of the Glen is being surveilled and recorded. They later discover that the substance is also being used in grape drinks and hair products for Black women. Through some hidden messages from an alcoholic Fontaine encounters daily, they discover a local Black church where the group becomes unsettled by disturbing lyrics that the churchgoers collectively sing, as a result of the grape drink's influence. After the service finishes, the group discovers an elevator in the altar.

    They discover that the lab facility spans the entire Glen area, and witness Black people being subject to disturbing behavioural experiments. They find that the lab has clones of many Glen residents, including themselves. They also watch the predominantly white scientists control the clones through certain songs and visual stimulation. They exit through a local strip club after Fontaine sets off an alarm. The DJ brainwashes the clubgoers with a song and then forces them to chase the trio. A white man named Nixon and a Fontaine clone named Chester show up to halt the clubgoers. Nixon reveals that scientists like him conduct experiments on impoverished, predominantly Black populations, including the Glen, to allow the operation to go unnoticed and supposedly achieve peace in America. Nixon uses a trigger word, causing the entire crowd to follow his commands with the exception of Yo-Yo. Nixon tells Fontaine to put a pistol in his mouth, which he does. Yo-Yo pleads for his life, and Nixon uses another trigger word to release them from their hypnotic state. The entire crowd was conscious the entire time, unable to control their actions. Despite the fact that Yo-Yo was a witness who was entirely unaffected, Nixon still threatens to use it on the crowd again if they don't stop their investigation.

    The next day, Fontaine falls deeper into a state of despair after discovering that his mother, whom he had never actually seen, was just a voice on a tape recorder. Yo-Yo decides to take matters into her own hands, but has her identity accidentally exposed and is subsequently kidnapped by Nixon. Fontaine comes up with a plan with Slick and Isaac to rescue Yo-Yo, faking his death to sneak into the lab undetected. Fontaine lets Slick and Isaac in to storm the lab with numerous residents of the Glen. They free the Black people being experimented on, including the clones, while Yo-Yo frees herself and finds Slick.

    Fontaine is overpowered by Chester and taken to an older version of Fontaine, revealed to be the real Fontaine. He explains that he is helping scientists to create "peace" by literally whitewashing Black people into white people, through mind control and generational breeding. The racially-motivated murder of Fontaine's little brother by a police officer prompted him to start making the clones. After explaining that the country would be better with assimilation than annihilation, the elder Fontaine is killed when Fontaine uses Nixon's trigger word on Chester to shoot him. Meanwhile, Yo-Yo stalls Nixon from killing her before Slick shoots him in the head.

    The facility entrance to the church opens up, spilling naked clones out to the public and exposing the country's secret operation. After Yo-Yo announces her retirement from her job, the trio decides to head to Memphis, to further expose and stop the operation.

    Meanwhile, in Los Angeles, a man named Tyrone is identical to Fontaine and living the exact same lifestyle as Fontaine. While with his friends, he watches as one of Fontaine's clones appears on TV, all realizing that Tyrone is a clone of Fontaine.
    • Informative Informative x 1

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