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these little seeds look good?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by ineedweed2, Mar 12, 2012.

  1. so my friend gave me some free seeds and i was wondering if they look any good. sorry for the bad quality

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  2. lol, we cant tell from picture, but gently squeeze them and if they pop they are bad.
  3. If they are dark with black stripes and you don't see any big cracks or anything, they're good. :D
  4. Do the seeds look good? Dunno, but they do look blurry.
  5. cant tell from the picture, and like mich said, if they are dark, with tiger stripes on em, they are usually mint.

    Only real way to tell is to germinate them.
  6. For a second there I thought I forgot to put on my glasses :p

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