Thermal detection

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by randgen, Jul 1, 2008.

  1. I just had a chopper pass above my block like 50 yards above the rooftops and it got me thinking. If they were looking for grows is there any way they could detect the heat from a 400W HPS chillin in my closet?

    Hey better have a little healthy paranoia than spend the rest of my young life in jail right?
  2. simple answer: no, a single HPS lamp isn't gonna even register as a blip on their radar, too many other things it could be..

    plus, I think now in most states, they need a warrant before they can use FLIR (forward looking infrared) because it's considered a violation of privacy.

    grow on brotha
  3. think of the money it costs to put a chopper in the air too... and to go looking for random people growing weed... gas aint cheap lol

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