there's this aging hippy down the road

Discussion in 'General' started by bl00drainer420, Jun 12, 2009.

  1. He's like 40 something and he used to be a hippy, (still kinda is if you count the shoulder length grey hair) he rolls his own cigarettes because "you never know what the tobacco company puts in theirs" he's my old friends dad and he said that him and his grandma smoke weed in their sunroom. he's kind of a lil bit of a paranoid asshole also.

    The question is....what way could we go about trying to get some bud from him?
    we dont wanna randomly just ring the door and ask, and we've thought about having some kid he doesn't know go up and be like "i just moved here, do you know anyone who could hook me up?

    please give me some suggestions on how to approach this situation
  2. you have to have a conversation with him, if you see him in the street or something. make it known that you smoke and need some bud, but do it nonchalantly. if it takes a few conversations then so be it, but if he is paranoid you cant just send some kid up to him, it will ruin everything.
  3. well we really never see him in the street...anyh other suggestions?
  4. Get a gram or two and smoke him out?... Surely somebody you know can procure a small amount for this purpose.

  5. also, 40 = shoulder length grey hair??

    Unless its premature grey, I guess.
  6. Light a blunt and then blow the sweet sweet smoke in his face.
  7. well im not so sure bout the blunt idea, but is it really a good idea to just find em, pull out a bag and be like"wanna hit this shit?"

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