There should be "dislike" to go along with the "like"

Discussion in 'General' started by LiveFreely, Jan 27, 2011.

  1. Title says it all, I can see they are trying to make it like the no neg reps but still. Discuss.
  2. #2 InVinoVerita, Jan 27, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2011
    I see that turning out ugly

    Internets is serious business these days
  3. not if it dont say who doesnt like whatever it is.
  4. i think no, it would just offened people who cant handle criticism, and initiate fighting and bitching.
    and i have better things to do than worry about whether i need to let someone know i dont like their stuff :) lol

    better things to do like get super duper high!

  5. that like thing is stupid. why do people need to know if you like a comment. its just dumb...
  6. Because you win 3 interwebz everytime you get a like, silly Gucci.
  7. I'm also going to make a point to like every post i see from now on.

    I suggest you all do the same.
  8. I wonder if i can get infracted for abusing the like button?
  9. if we can't neg, we should atleast be able to dislike
  10. I'm only going to Like things that capslock says :devious:

    I'm going to follow you around GC
  11. Not meaning to be a hater, but really it is all bullshit. I see the facebook applet loading and am like :eek: WTF.
    Facebook has about the least most respect for privacy out of all the assholes out there.

    Is this what Grasscity has come to?

    I better stop now. :confused:
  12. I don't see the point of this stuff...

    If you like a post, wouldn't you just rep the person?

    Or are the standards for what's "Likeworthy" and what is "Repworthy" completely different?

    The internet are stupid
  13. Im still talking time to get use to the "like"... dislike would be jumping into things to quick and would start fighting... i think nothing and just a "like" is good...
  14. I think there should a be a comment box on every post, so we can let the world know our exact opinion on a post, not just if we like it or dislike it.

    JK. Its all horrible, it makes me want to delete facebook.
  15. I dislike the entire like system. I say get rid of it!
  16. i think it should be left like this for a few weeks to see how it goes, then add in new features
  17. lol some say to remove the system

    i say add the dislike option!

    you cant LIKE everything!

    like we DISLIKE shit anyway. if you dont want people to know we do for some fruity reason then continue being fruity. everyones over 18 here, truth is reality:devious:
  18. Is there a way to disable it in the cp or something?
  19. I like how CAPSLOCK BANDIT followed through on his promise.

    I keep seeing his name in every thread even if he hasn't posted lol. It's really funny hahaha
  20. I don't like the like button. For the simple fact that its a like button. Too facebookey for most members. I do like the concept however, of being able to show approval for someone's post without dealing out rep. It should'nt be a like button though...

    should be like.....

    _____________ and ______________ and 2 more members say FUCK YEAH!!!!

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