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"There is no such thing as medicinal marijuana"

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by lonelypothead, Jun 1, 2009.

  1. #1 lonelypothead, Jun 1, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 1, 2009
    I watched this spoof of super size me called super high me where this pothead comedian Doug Benson goes 30 days without smoking, then smokes all day every day for 30 days straight (proly the norm for a lot of blades here). A doctor he interviews about MMJ says it has no value as medicine and it is just a lupole for ppl to blaze legally. I kinda agree with him. I think if I had a debilitating disease getting high on any drug would make me feel better. But I do believe MMJ helps a lot of sick people.

    [ame=]YouTube - Full Movie: Super High Me[/ame]

    still looking for the full interview with the doc
  2. dude i'm putting this on my 'must see' list!

    But MJ is MJ to me. Is MMJ any different? Do they put some kind of anti-biotics in it? haha dont think so. The answer is simple: smoking MJ makes you feel better!
  3. No, but every strain has different effects and they will prescribe you to whichever strain has the best properties to help cope with your illness. The fact of the matter is that prescription pills make your life seem meaningless and you drudge on day by day and start wondering about your existence. MJ helps cope with your illness and at the same time gives you an uplifting attitude so you have the chance to enjoy your life while you can. Sometimes the best cure isn't what works the best but what makes you feel the best.
  4. But there is such thing as medical marijuana.... what about hemp oil and pure cannabis extracts? Its been proven that they help fight skin cancer, lung cancer, and probably others.
  5. ^This too. They are more commonly used for cancer and chemotherapy patients.
  6. Though it's not a narcotic like morphin or other opiates marijuana has cannabinoids like thc and a few other ones, and your body has cannabinoid recepters and it is believed this is why medical marijuana is real also possitive mental attitude is the best way to fight illness my granny would say but look up cannabinoids there's tone of credible studies:smoke::cool:
  7. true, my dad smokes everyday and I'm positive the main reason he doesn't have cancer is because of the herb.
  8. so you're saying if he didn't smoke he'd most likely have cancer?

  9. I think he would because he chain smoked for about 20 years.
  10. #10 Storm Crow, Jun 2, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 2, 2009
    If you have ANY doubts about cannabis being medicine, click the "old format" link (it's easier to read) in my sig and start reading! I DARE YOU to even just read all the titles! :eek:

    As for me, when I was about 3 another child tried to murder me with a hammer. I was left with dents in my skull, a large backwards "L" shaped scar in my scalp and frequent migraines. At 19 years of age, I began to use cannabis.

    By the time I was 20, I had figured something out- for me, CANNABIS = NO MIGRAINES! I've used for over 40 years. For me it IS medical use- even if I happen to enjoy it.

    And as a capper- read this! Straight off the press! Straight from a formerly doubting doctor! ( It made it on to yahoo- even though yahoonews refused to carry it! Can we say "censorship" , boys and girls? :p )

    Medical Marijuana Use: Miracle Medicine Good for Dozens of Diseases

    Medical Marijuana Use: Miracle Medicine Good for Dozens of Diseases - Salem-News.Com
  11. umm, contradiction? it definatley has a value as a medicine...

    seen the movie tho..not bad i guess
  12. Cannabis is medicine. Ask any MMJ patient if their quality of life has not improved ten-fold after they started smoking.

    This doesn't mean weed has to only be used as a medicine though, smoking for recreation is just as good a reason as smoking for medical reasons IMO. Personal freedom.
  13. Some of the natural chemicals in the trichrome have anti-biotic and anti-inflammatory properties.
  14. Yea they have different strengths or what not for different pains, but i can go buy ny diesel to get stoned off my ass, or mids to help me sleep. Medical is purely a term that is prefaced so people can smoke it without hassle. and Yes cannabis extract and some chemicals in MJ have proven to help curb certain forms of cancer, but not stop it completely. If you think there is another reason you're only fooling yourself.

    Don't get me wrong. I love MJ, but MMJ is just a fancy name
  15. #15 Raoul Duke II, Jun 4, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 4, 2009

    Isn't that the truth for absolutely any drug? Even pharmaceuticals. I don't see how an artificial pill is medicine but the real natural drugs they're meant to emulate aren't.
    it's all just prohibition rhetoric: "there's drugs and then there's pharmaceuticals. One causes 'brain changes' that destroy society and the other induces beneficiary chemical reactions." How does that make sense? :confused_2:

    If cannabis had been some unheard of plant in the middle of a South American rainforest when phyzer came around, they most certainly would have made it a medicine and mot certainly would've made a fortune. Not only that, but the AMA called cannabis a medicine until after 1940, when prohibitionists were installed as the directors.
  16. I'm not going to bother reading past the 3rd post in this thread and am just going to say:
    You're an idiot if you agree, even if only "kinda", with the guy who said its just a loophole for people to get high...
    First of all, kys.
    Second of all, uhh marijuana doesn't just have to be used to get high? (and you can still get a lot of its medical benefits...)
    Lastly, if you really think getting high is all it takes to kill so many awful and terrible symptoms of multiple illnesses and disorders, then you're dumb.
    You're comparing the concept of medicinal use of marijuana to how it gets you high and if you were high off another drug it owuld make you feel betteR?
    Just because it makes you feel better doesn't mean its medicinal to any worth-noting effect...
    So a Crohn's patient is going to feel 'better' after snorting a line?
    I could go on..
    But, obviously marjiuana is the "most medicinal" thing on this plant. (if you know your stuff)
  17. The cannabinoids in marijuana have repeatedly been shown to possess some pretty amazing potential as far as medicating illnesses and in many circumstances, acting as neuroprotective compounds. Cannabis research has also indicated that a few of its cannabinoids may well act as anti-cancer agents, as they've been demonstrated to be toxic to human brain-tumor cells but nontoxic to healthy cells.

    [ame=]YouTube - THC effects on Tumor Brain Cells, Normal Brain Cells[/ame] ^ used to have a whole site explaining it, but now it's just the video as it seems SETHGROUP's site is down.

    Marijuana really does have potential as a natural, fairly nontoxic medication that most of the time is a much healthier and soothing alternative when compared to throwing back dozens of pills in an attempt to medicate.
  18. The reason there is no "medicinal" marijuana is because you receive a recommendation, not a script.

  19. No offense, but you and the doctor are completely wrong. There have been shit tons of studies. The most recent is that if you smoke regularly, it'll slow the growth of tumors and shit like that. Along with that, it helps with chronic pain, relieves pressure in the eye (for Glaucoma), and stops twitches and what not.

    Love the herbs. It was put here for a reason :-D
  20. The doctor in that video goes on to say that he would never prescribe patients to inhale smoke into their lungs. Patients aren't prescribed MMJ to smoke, they are recommended they use a vape and the shops where you pick up your MMJ have many orally administered versions of the drug so the patients don't experience discomfort with their lungs.

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