there is no god

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by nucan, Nov 2, 2002.


Is there a god?

  1. si

    0 vote(s)
  2. no

    0 vote(s)
  1. I did :D, and well said.
  2. Very well said.
  3. haha, i found this thread i wrote when i was like 16. pretty cool stuff.. its about 3-4 years old now, but im drunk and im impressed. any new thoughts?
  4. it all depends on how you define god..

    if i say there is no apple but i describe it as a purple oval vegetable, then people who believe an apple is a roundish red fruit will be against me and we're not even in the same page - not even in the same library.
  5. I didn't read this whole thread but I basically have formed my response,

    Religion is NOT God. Religion has nothing to do with god, if anything..its distorting the message of a real god. God though, I think this universe and the rest of anything that exits is too big for us to ever logically think that one force controls all this. Therefore, live your life like there God isn't the ones written about in books. And Stay away from the religion for none of it can be proven and all of it is funded on lies and conspiracies.

    When you can tell me why you don't believe in..say..the Egyptian God of Sun..I can tell you why I don't believe in yours.
  6. Think about why we ask this question of whether there's a god or not. If we had an answer, I'm afraid our lives would be pretty boring, and probably pretty terrible. I mean, if we knew that there was a god, people would follow the same rules and same exact path as everyone else just to get into heaven. Creative thinking would be destroyed, and most forms of art we cherish today would be non existent, because there would be no reason for them. Most art is based upon questions such as this one, and if we had an answer, there would be no reason for art. So, overall, I think we should acknowledge that the question is more important the answer at this point. Another thing we should keep in mind is that, since we don't know the answer to the god question, we should all try to be the best people we can, and not rely on faith to land us a spot in heaven. For example, instead of being hypocritical Catholics who are bad people on everyday of the week besides Sunday, we should be good people for our whole lives and remember that we don't know if there's an afterlife. We should cherish and live the life that WE HAVE RIGHT NOW to the fullest.
  7. what kind of god are you talking about? The theoretical philosophical "creator", akin to the man behind the curten who pushed the button for the big bang? or the one who did that but is still and always pushing the button?
    The god that is mearly an expression of the vastness of everything beyond outside ones own person / personal understanding, and therefor the great unknown? or the god who's simply everything? or some charecterised version, or manifestation, incarnation etc? or similar to the everything (omni this that and the lot) that exists in you, and so it is the own inner excellence of yourself/god? is it goodness, is it light? is it badness? is it might? can you imagine how big this place is, how long we've been around, how long it's been around, since sound?

    the cosmos has many children.

    Some are naughty, mischevious, or simply egotistically arrogant from poisoning or prolonging their bodies, proffess themselves ALLMIGHTY. The cheek of it! unfortunately, many listen, forgetting the inteligence they can access. if they ask for worship, they're probably not worth it.


    energy manipulators, energy disrupters, corrupters... take heed and pay respect to ~

    TRANSMISSION ERROR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    see, 100% transmission... Sea worms man!

    (i'm always on to something)
    (it's always on to something)
    (i'm always on to something)

    (i did have more, but lost it because of cookies)

    go ponder infinity, true infinity if you can... omni, polyomninfinity!

    "he's making it up as he goes along!"
    - Heckler to Brian in Monty Python's Life of Brian (coincidentally, the same name as the newt)

    so true! :)

  8. Nah, I agree with that theory totally, plus a few more controversial things... I'd rather not share my personal feelings about god cause they're quite unconventional and could cause a lot of controversy, But I definately believe that no deed goes unnoticed, good or bad, and that god IS everything, quite literally. I think everything is a little piece of god, And god is all about loving all of us, and everything. If you can truly do that, or truly try to love everything, than I think you are doing god's will as best as you can, and that's all he wants. Just try, and if you mess up here and there, god will forgive you, as long as you love him.
  9. I think everything starts with a postulate, that being God.

    Is this really a 3 year old post?
  10. What makes you think we are the top of the universe? I think "god" isn't even in our scope. I think we were created by higher beings, who were created by higher beings etc for a ton of generations...
  11. Trust me, there's no God.

    Anyone who has had an encounter with God - F.U

    The only God is our brain. Our meaningless really short lives aren't about anything but what our brain tells us. When our God/brain shuts down, show's over folks.

    Believe in God, don't believe in doesn't matter - nothing matters.

    That's the key, right or wrong doesn't exist feelings don't exist thats some crap humans came up with. Be happy that you came from nothing and are living a very short lifetime of trickery and deceit. Your brain is god, what you see isn't real and is totally meaningless.

    My pops once said at the end of life you play chess with God in the heavens. I happen to be a very good chess player and I am not looking forward to playing with the ultimate mathematica...perfect. What the fuck is the fun in that and what is perfect? Somethin our brains made up...

    Conclusion: The brain is God. Everything's meaningless. We're all trapped by our God. We can't get it out until we die. Smoke's the best of the fake known to humanity.

  12. That's a great analogy
  13. **I know this is very long, but I would appreciate it if people read the whole thing**

    I neither believe in god, nor disbelieve in god. I think it's ignorant to believe in absolutes, becuase I know that everything I've ever experienced and learned is biased because we as human beings are inhereently biased, being only able to perceieve our surroundings through the filters of our human brain.

    The way I veiw a god, if ther is one, is the creator of the universe. But this is impossible for us to fathom, the universe being created. For this to happen there needs to be some sort of consciousness able to manipulate matter in a 3 dimensional plane. Well, how would he do that if there is no unviersre yet? The very idea of god is paradoxal in it's most basic elements. If god created us, who created god? An infant can use logic to proove there is no god, and each one of us probably has. Who here hasn't asked that question? Yet I don't allow this to rule out the possibility for me.

    What I believe the universe to be is a fractal, infinitely large, and inifinitely small. If you don't know what a fractal is, check out this picture ( or this picture A fractal is a complex design which is composed of copies of itself for infinity. The unverse is a fractal, because ? are to quarks, as Quarks are to Atoms, as Atoms are to stars, as Stars are to Galaxies, as Galaxies are to our universe, as the universe is to ?, and so on in both directions for infinity. The entire universe a fractal, self similar in all aspects, not as precise as our discrete mathematical representations of fractals (see picture above) but an analogue copy of itself, infiinite times. All you have to do is look at nature, from tree branches, to snowflakes, to our own circulatory system. You have to be pretty hard pressed to look at anything natural and not find self similarity. So this being the case, our entire solar system, our galaxy, and our universe are all tinier than a proton in someone elses unfathomably enourmouse world. Perhaps we are in an atom in their fingernail, or their hair. Maybe we're even in an atom on their pubic hair. Every particle of matter, a copy of the very fabric of the universe itself. Like I said before, infinitely small, and infinitely large. IF this is the case then, how did this all come to be? Well, I believe it always just was, and as someone pointed out earlier in this thread, that is very hard for our insignificant human brains to fathom (When I say insiginificant, I mean infinitely insignificant, and infinitely significant at the same time, lol) Think about an atom, an atom is mostly made up of empty space. The nucleus is really the meat of an atom. When you break down a nucleus you have protons and neutrons, but when you break those down you get quarks, and we don't really know what lies beyond those. There is a theory called the strings theory, some call it the theory of everything, but basically it says that quarks are made up of tiny looped strings, which are infinitely small, vibrating at different frequencies. Well, if thats as tiny as we have been able to understand the universe, if everything is made up of infinitely small looped strings vibratings, then certainly most of all matter we perceive is just empty space. Then think about outer space. Most of it is just empty space. The various enormous masses of matter so far away from each other that the numbers are basically impossible for us to fathom. Sure we can understand the number 600 billion (random big number), but can we really fathom what 600 billion units of something would be? I think I strayed away from my point. What was I talking about? Ah yes, empty space. Well, I forgot what my point about everything being made up of mostly empty space was, but I'm pretty sure it was a good point.

    Well, this is all well and good, but it doesnt really have much to do with god. IT's my perceptions and beliefs of the universe. So where would a god fit into all of this? If the universe is so vast and so minute, how could there possible be a god? The answer to this is simply I do not know. How do we know that our reality is even real? How do we know we are not stuck in the "matrix" After all, our universe seems to be a giant computer. How do we know we are not all just one huge consciousness, manifesting itself in the most logical way trying to comprehend it's own existance? The very fabric of our reality, just a thought in a universal mind, where everyone on earth is interconnected with each other, just individual synapses making up a giant brain.

    I believe that the best thing for mankind to do, is to admit to themselves that we don't know just what the hell is going on. We may be able to experiment and test reality, life, and the universe, but we can never test why? And isn't that the real answer that everyone is searching for? All of science is simply trying in vain to answer the question of why we are here. Did life really just start out as a chemical accident? Some proteins stringing themselves together into a crude rudimentary DNA, just to replicate itself, and continute replicating itself until eventually the code changes a bit, and those with the newer code keep replicating, and so on and so on for billions of years until we came about? When you think about life in that way, it is itself a self simliar fractal, only it has the ability to change as it goes. Maybe this is what separates the living fromt he inanimate. It's uncomforting to believe that we are just an accident, and that once life on earth is destroyed, so is this beautiful accident. Hopefully life is full and rich throughout the galaxy and universe, this would comfort me a bit more, so I knew at least that the beauty which is living things would never cease to exist.

    One last thing I want to talk about is afterlife. If ther is a god, then there must be an afterlife right? But just what would an afterlife be? Some believe in heaven and hell, but as I said before I think it's ignorant to think in absolutes. What is good and evil? They are merely human perceptions of positive and negative energy (in my opinion) For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, for every proton there is an electron, for every baby born there is someone dying. I belive that if there is an afterlife, it is not some utopia in which all questions are answered and we live in peace with each other. I believe that it is not unlike our earthly existance, filled with wodnerment and questions. Not only that, but also filled with bad and good. Why would there be a place strictly good, and a place strictly bad? That goes againt everything we've learned about our own reality. Good and bad balance each other out, and live in symbiance with each other. We just need comfort by thinking that once we are gone from earth, there is no more "bad people", but I believe if there is an afterlife, it is much like our lives here, perhaps we become enlightened about some aspects of our universe, but I don't believe all questions will ever be answered, no matter what plane of existance you are on. One last thing I would like to point out, what if there is an afterlife, and there were lives before our lives on earth, that would also be another way in which our very reality is a fractal. Self similar planes of existance, perhaps different in some ways, but fundamentally the same, for infinity. Wouldn't that be nice? To know that we will die an infinite number of times, yet be born an infinite number of times? And who's to say this isn't all happening at the same time? AFter all, like I said in a thread I created earlier, time is merely a conceptual measurement based on humans perceptions of change. What if all that ever was, and all that ever will be, is existing in the same moment, for there is only one moment.

    If none of that made any sense, oh well. I didn't really stop and think while I was typing, it all just kind of flowed out. IF you are interested in reading more about how our reality is a self similar fractal, go to this website
  14. ...who cares?

    just live life .. well all find out one day

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