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there ever times where you just wanna "smoke retarded"?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by DaSkiMaster, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. like...that point where ur smoking so much you basically cant comprehend nething???

    and if so, how much does that probably take you?
  2. Yes, I try that every time I smoke, but I run out of weed.
  3. About 3 lightly packed bongs, I am a plain and simple light weight, it's pretty nice I have to admit.
  4. I've smoked 11 times since mid October of last year.

    I'd say maybe half or an entire bong load (like .3 or something) would get me too high at this point. :)
  5. .12 of this GrapeGod in the vape = insta-retarded [no offense to the mentally ill]
  6. either 2 joints or about 6 bowls and im spacebound
  7. ever smoke 6 different strains in 6 different 8th vapes and bongs baked for 2 days in a row white widow train wreck ak-47 white rhino u-k cheese and some sour d man some great stuff i would love the have cheese all the time
  8. It's called a vortex, use one. They are GREAT I had 2 hits off of one...which was 2 half gram bowls and I was messed up, it clears a bowl in one hoot if done right. Other than that, I don't know how many bowls or joints I'd have to roll in order to get that high, unless it was my beautiful 2g bowl 20 inch tall bong :)
  9. Yes, I have those urges once in awhile. I try not to act on them, as my tolerence as already pretty fucking high... with no forceable end in sight. So I definitely don't want to make my tolerance even worse, but if I smoke two very dank bowls (well packed) to myself I'll be blown. Blown. Blown.
  10. ya dude. sometimes after a lonnnng ass day at work i just want to smoke smoke smoke
  11. shit yea. when i had my bong 2 bowls in it would be super fucked. RIP.

    me and my boy topher just smoke outta his tiny ass bowl now a days. 3-4 split between us 2 and lifted :smoke:
  12. .5 of purps in my MFLB. It fucks me up.
  13. Ive smoked myself retarded before, and it was a mixture of pot and K2. 2 Bowls of each between me and one other kid. After smoking, IMMEDIATELY went on the laptop, onto youtube and watched the video "Cows and Cows and Cows" but muted the music from the vid. Then opened another youtube page and played the song "Hey Sexy Lady" by Skrillex (very very trippy song while you are high too) and Blasted it so loud while watching this cows video. In the basement we have over $50,000 of speakers/stereo equipment. Mostly Klipsh/McIntosh and these really huge subs I can't think of the name off the top of my head, but with everything just cranked even half way....the music just becomes part of you. And this cow video just made us trip balls. I took a video of it on my cell phone and there is a section where you can hear us talking and you cant even understand what we are saying. It was definitely one of the most crazy highs I have ever been.
  14. I smoked weed, keif, and hash all in the same bowl out of a bong yesterday. Then I loaded up a second bowl (of weed and hash) and then drove (on icecovered roads) back to my dorm.

    I was SO fkn retarded. My friend only took one hit out of all that, and he was super high (noob, lol), and he was telling me how retarded I was.

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