There are only 2 genders

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Burrito Wizard, Jun 25, 2018.

  1. Shut up
  2. Very constructive. You seem like a real ray of sunshine
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  3. Perhaps only two genders, but a million different kind of assholes.
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  4. Yeah I should have just posted the OP and sat back and had a few luls. Instead I made the mistake of trying to use common sense. After all it's the current year and common sense is racist and homophobic and stuff. Sometimes I think humanity needs to get wiped out and just let some other species take over running shit. Squirrels would probably do a better job at this point.
    • Agree Agree x 4
  5. Interesting lecture from a neuroscientist about transgender individuals. TL;DW there are certain aspects of our brain chemistry which are distinct between biological sexes. In large scale study of trans individuals researchers found that the brain chemistry of trans individuals more closely resembled they sex they were transitioning to than the sex they were born with.

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  6. I don't know much about sex and gender, though I do like to have a lot of sex when I'm not tired as hell from working 50+ hours a week. What I DO know, is that after my time in the military, my view on race and religion changed a lot. If a black man will fight and bleed next to me, is he not my brother? His blood is the same color as mine. His insides are the same color, too. The same can be said for females/women, too. I don't have ovaries, or tits, but in general she's the same as I am. If there's a herm, or a trans, or whatever they wish to call themselves, then as long as they meet those conditions, they're the same as I am, too. If they're the same as I am, then I'll do whatever I feel is necessary to keep them safe, regardless of what it is.

    Someone asked me at work about that the other day. "What are your thoughts on ... in the military?" My answer was: If they're willing to fight and bleed and die for me, what makes them less than any other?

    Be careful if you're choosing(because it is a choice) to hate people because of race or religion or sex/gender/whatever. You just might run up on a fellow like me.
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  7. Lmao, I support you
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  8. You meatheads might want to look up the definition of the word gender.
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  9. This merely proves that the brain of a transexual is not working right. If part of their brain is twice the size it should be, or shouldn't be shows that. It doesnt make them another gender/sex/whatever
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  10. The guy makes some absurd conclusions. He politicizes, subtly, everything he says and fails to explain anything in real depth..."you dint need to know that" he states several times. Classic snake oil salesman.
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  11. #92 Father Ted, Dec 13, 2018
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2018
    Ahh yes the new, redacted, version of the word.

    And to clear up any disillusions, there maybe two genders but sexy is genderless

    • Funny Funny x 2
  12. There are two sexes not two genders.
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    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  13. If I want to have sex with a mink does that make me transphobic?
    • Funny Funny x 2
  14. Yes. Still it is now the definition so by keeping the old definition (penis=male) your brain is now obsolete. It doesn't make any difference what the definition of gender actually is, what matters is that we all use the same definition so we can communicate effectively. That's the goal of dictionaries.

    If you want to have sex with a mink then you must have a very small penis. Assuming you want to have sex with a female mink of course.
  15. D0uble x or xy.
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  16. Ahh yes what you mean is it doesn't matter about what language actually is lets all just engage in DOUBLETHINK.
  17. 12f528f5397f51dc4bff2d6ad642b1b74a57313bb9dfe9db5f504a4ae8d8ec40_1.jpg d7f.gif
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  18. By definition if I was engaging in doublethink I would be completely unaware of it so you'll have to explain it to me. What conflicting positions or opinions do I have that I'm unaware of? And do you think society's newly found acceptance of homosexuals has been a good thing?
  19. Newly found?


    Homosexuality has been prevalent in mammals since the dawn of the category.

    Even avians and amphibians engage in homosexual behaviour. There's no accurate scientific evidence to suggest it's a deviance.

    Vigilo Confido
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