How many times have you heard this in real life or on this forum? Nothing I can do about. What we say doesn’t matter. This is the mindset and talk of slaves. Of those about to be sent off to the gulag. The thinking of weak willed individuals that cannot stand up for themselves. Im calling bullshit. What we do and say does matter. It can prevent atrocities and preserve liberty. We can start by getting to know our neighbors. We can help them and show kindness. We can keep extra food around. We can learn and teach others how to grow their own food. We can acquire real world skills that will always be necessary from sewing, carpentry, mechanics or anything in between. We can remove ourselves from institutions of control - like the banking system. We can refuse to pay taxes or at the very least pay them as late as possible. We can arm ourselves to the teeth. This list is far from being complete. Perhaps most importantly we can stop believing the bullshit over and over again. If CNN, Fox, Biden or Trump says it’s so, it probably ain’t. RD
With all of this technology and social media and ways we can communicate-we sure are dumb. Technology is being used to prevent our views, beliefs and opinions from being shared. With these beliefs, lead to innovation, we improve and get better. If you go against the general view, you will be unable to share your views in an open space. Instead they push you to the corner of the room. for example I asked in my next door group what my neighbors would do and how they would feel if the texas state guard and Texas national guard are ordered to turn against each other…I would like to know how my neighbors feel, but they removed my post because it was discriminatory lol so even though we have all of this great means of communication, smoke singles or face to face would still be the best way of you want to free speech
Randy Weaver was simply a former SF vietnam vet who chose to live his post-military life off grid, and he was ultimately setup by the FBI to commit “crimes”. i believe the word commonly used is “entrapment”. if the FBI would have investigated their case differently no one would have ever been killed, or in the case of the FBI, agents wouldn’t have been fired for their actions. five total lost their jobs iirc, and at least one agent killed. weaver is no hero but he was just a “regular guy” trying to live life on his terms, in the woods, off the grid, with his family. how does that map to the readers own lifestyle? just remember, if the government wants your ass in a sling or nailed to a cross they will figure out a way to win their game within the boundaries of the law or if necessary outside the boundaries of the law. randy weaver is the poster child for FBI shenanigans.
The entire incident was completely unnecessary. They could have pulled him over and dealt with him while he was on his way to town. Instead they tried to sneak up to his house and his 15 year old son gets into a firefight with them and kills one. The FBI shoots and kills his unarmed wife while she’s holding a baby. All of this occurs because the FBI infiltrates a militia he was involved with and offers him a few bucks to cut a shotgun barrel down to less than 18”. What it caused was a chilling effect on militias. They realized how susceptible they were to being infiltrated by the government and many like the Montana State Militia disbanded. It makes me wonder about incidents like the Bundy Ranch and Malhuer Wildlife Refuge. I have no idea how one equates my original post to Randy Weaver? Been scratching my head about this since Ed mentioned it. RD
i’m going way, way, out on a limb attempting to correlate Ed’s reference to Weaver to your OP but i’m guessing that Randy Weaver in some ways exemplified “rebelling against the system” by electing to live outside of “normal”, and “the man” got him anyway. that’s how i interpreted the reference to Weaver just think of the guvment snoops reading the posts on this site. hell, a person doesn’t even need to have a userid for this site to read anything posted, except pictures. my point, Weaver didn’t start out being nefarious but he was made to be so. mine and your words are simply opinions but someone on a mission to misconstrue our words could very easily do so - you and i specifically of late. right? my opinion is my opinion in the US. idk how far the US 1A goes on the internet and/or a website not hosted on US soil. the reference to Weaver is appropriate in the context of what can happen when a person decides to not be a part of “the system”.
I think it was the part about being armed to the teeth and independent from the government that triggered the Randy Weaver memory. Those who don't conform or who aren't dependent on the system are a threat to the government. It doesn't need to be something like sawing down a shotgun, even bartering excess food you've grown to your neighbors could be used as an excuse by the feds to lock you up or fuck up your life. I know that wasn't the direction you were going with the op but my mind doesn't follow directions all that closely.
It has gotten worse the last few months it seems….isnt technology wonderful? Soon, how will we freely be able to communicate?