Theory Solutions.

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by zzxq90, Jul 15, 2012.

  1. #1 zzxq90, Jul 15, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 15, 2012
    OK. Its safe to say there are enough theories out to write an encyclopedia. And the past is the past whether we were lied to or not.

    But what about the future/present?

    I'd say collectively we all (theorists) could agree that the current government is working its way towards a one world order.

    >> What is your proposed solution to slow/stop the agenda? Is there a way to stop the agenda?

    I personally feel that we had a chance, but it was long before I was born. I feel like I have lost hope on us ever being able to work towards one goal as a species (freedom).

    We have all the information; let's use it.

    How do we see through the next false flag?
  2. I hope they see my potential and let me join them.
  3. I don't see that being a possibility, but it'd be worth a shot. Try to convince the 13 bloodlines to let you join the club..

    I'd like to be a fly on the wall.
  4. #4 Sacerdotal, Jul 15, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 15, 2012
    A bomb on a Bilderberg meeting would do the job. I've always thought why there wasn't at least an attempt. There gotta be so many pissed off countries and secret gangs and ex Marines and whatnot, somebody should plant a fucking bomb. If they blow them up, the day would be celebrated every year. It would be like Christmas but way better. But yeah, that's just wishful thinking. Those fuckers got us by the balls. One thing is sure - after the end of this year we will all know whether they would suck our dicks, or we would suck theirs. If they get defeated by our retarded civilization without any outside influence (good aliens) they would have to admit they did the biggest fail in the history of the Universe. It's like an elephant being killed by ants.

  5. wow...are you made of straw?
    you smell like straw...

  6. Thanks for your contribution to a solution.
  7. Not once did I say discredit or deny the past in order to come up with an unidentifiable solution to unknown future events.

    I only expected people to reply given they believe or at least have knowledgeable reasoning of the illuminati agenda.

    One world order etc. etc.

    Must I list all theories in order to get a solution? Or can I assume you wouldn't have one based on your two previous responses?
  8. I like to yell "rabble rabble" a lot..seems to help
  9. #10 zzxq90, Jul 15, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 15, 2012
    Thanks for your contribution to a solution.

    And please keep your voice down and remain civil.
  10. Stop corruption. Or at least let me in on it.

    I think the only real solution for seeing false flags is to be vigiliant. We need to get our news from more than just CNN, NBC or Bob Fuckley´s Blog of Truth. We need to see things from the eyes of the opressed, the eyes of the opressors, and our eyes. We need to teach our children that everything shouldn´t be taken in at face value, and teach them how to analyize the information they are given, instead of eating it all up as the media today keeps feeding them subpar to keep them busy and out of their parents hair.

    Honestly, I´m not much of a conspiracy nut myself, but I do think that behind every consiparcy or theory there is some truth, no matter how many layers it´s been buired under.
  11. The only solution would be to expose it and see how the world reacted to it. Logically, that is the only way to solve pretty much any CT.

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