Theory on Urine Analysis.

Discussion in 'General' started by IMAEREHW, Aug 14, 2010.

  1. I'm on hardcore, super-buttfuck probation. Consequently, I have to submit a specimen randomly; anywhere from 0 times a week, to 7 times a week. I've been thinking about some various ways to pass a UA, and this is what I came up with.

    Since most drugs have cutoff points in your system that the Mass Spectrometer measures, diluting seems to be the best option. Unfortunately, the MS also measures creatinine levels, gravity, and a few other things. The most important things they test for, however, is the creatinine and gravity.

    So what would happen if I dilute my system, eat some red meat at the same time, and take a few multi-vitamins? Wouldn't this suffice in diluting my system, keeping my gravity up, and supply enough creatine to fool the test?

    Well... I'm gonna go try it in about 30 minutes, because today my color was called. If I am told by my judge in two weeks that I have a dilute, i know it doesn't work. If she doesn't, I might have just beat the system.

    Wish me luck.
  2. I have diluted a few times in the army with success. I used creatine monohydrate and ate some b-12 to make the pee look good and it worked. If you use creatine you have to keep using it over a while for it to build up in your system, just keep that in mind.
  3. but creatine is found in every red meat. I eat a lot of red meat. I would guess I eat 2 times the 'recomended' serving of just about any meat I eat. You can quote me "I love MEAT".

    lol, but really, I would say I have enough in my system to not have to take a suppliment. My theory really just encompasses the idea that one is capable of flushing and flooding their body at the same time. example: detox drinks flush your system, and are designed to make you piss a bunch, and flood your system with b-12 vitamins.

    So the idea is the same, but actually addressing the problem that detox drinks don't really address.

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