theory on black holes and the big bang

Discussion in 'Science and Nature' started by Jakigi, Mar 2, 2009.

  1. #1 Jakigi, Mar 2, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 4, 2009
    No article, just some speculation.

    From my understanding, black holes have a huge collection of mass, dense beyond our comprehension. The big bang had a center from which all the mass in our universe originated from.

    My theory:

    The enormous concentration of mass in black holes actually tears a hole in the fabric of our universe and an inverse reaction (Dark energy) occurs into another universe it is expanding into. Dark energy causes the mass that is pulled through from our universe to expand, a big bang.

    Likewise, our big bang is the product of another universes' collection of mass, forming into a black hole, and ripping a hole into our universe. I suggest that maybe our universe isn't just expanding, but it is growing, as in receiving more mass from another universe.

    I think this may be the universes' cleansing mechanism. Regardless of all the junk that life-forms create, black holes completely destroy and reform mass.

    What do you think?

  2. There has been much debate about whether the information contained in the matter captured by a black hole is lost.

    When a black hole finally evaporates, what happens to all that information. The only variables defining the state of a black hole are charge, mass and angular momentum. What about spin, temperature, etc? Perhaps the information is contained in the Hawking radiation. But if the information truly is lost, then we are left with the shambles of what was the 2nd law of thermodynamics: decreasing entropy.
  3. Sounds like I need to do more research... thanks for the post!
  4. my understanding was that information was stored in the event horizon until radiated off, and this radiation was what eventually led to the evaporation

    therefor all the information would be evaporated and dispersed as well, increasing entropy
  5. Pretty interesting theory. Makes sense but there are tons of variables and even more info we don't know (or will ever know) about black holes/Dark Energy and where they go or what they are fully capable of
  6. No one will ever truly know because nothingcan withstand the incredible force of a black hole
  7. Doesn't mean we can't speculate... imagine... right?
  8. yeah, the math behind them can still be rationalized, which means you can effectively see one up close
  9. Amoril is right, mathematically we can still "observe" black holes with the proper equations and variables we know to fill in. Maybe you need a better understanding of a black hole, it is just simply a mass that is so dense the gravity it creates is stronger than lights ability to escape it. If you want more info on it i would suggest "The Physical Possibiltys of Time Travel in Einsteins universe" by Richard Gott. or of course "A Brief history of time" by Stephen Hawking, though Gott's work is built off Hawking's so his has more depth of explanation and understanding.
  10. #10 Jakigi, Mar 4, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 4, 2009
    No doubt I don't understand black holes in the grand scheme. But, I definitely understood your description of them, in fact, that was the basis of my "theory". Maybe, re-read what I proposed?

    Also, when I say "ripping a hole"... obviously this is a poor description... what I imagined is einstein's "bowling ball on a sheet". I suggest that if that bowling ball was much more massive, and much more concentrated... perhaps a hole in the "sheet" can develop (a black hole).

    Even if one of these holes developed, the mass wouldn't necessarily disappear (maybe they would exist simultaneously in both "universes") until enough of the mass tilted toward the expanding side.
  11. #11 Jakigi, Mar 4, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 4, 2009
    "Hella far" would technically be infinite once the mass reached a certain point, so, some grey areas there.

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