Theory of Marijuana's purpose?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by SolsticeSmoke, Dec 17, 2011.

  1. First post I'm making, I apologize if it's in the wrong spot :(

    I was taking a bowl hit from my bong after I came home from just a terrible day all together. Back on topic, I thought to myself out of no where, that Marijuana obviously has a purpose on this planet. Drop the political and religious debates for a moment and think of it as a plant. A plant that has survived through Earth's history long before humans started cultivating it. Meaning it withstood the test of time. The fact that humans got their hands on it just made it a further push to being the, forgive me, Top of the "Food Chain of Plants."

    Whose not to say there isn't such a thing? In the rainforests, the tiniest spot of light is fought for by the sprouts, but the one that grows sturdiest and quickest towards the light that wins the race, and the rest lose.

    Continuing, many animals depend off of the existence of certain plants as specialization occurs, look at the Panda, it's diet is almost exclusively Bamboo, and it's almost extinct. Now, I'm not saying we will one day become utterly dependent on pot, so please do not assume that. Changes like these take millions of years. Face the facts, Marijuana has a multitude of different medical uses. I myself, my terrible day is now at it's end, I had a little bit and now I've come to terms with what happened today, and I feel like I can face the same people again. :smoke:

    Back on topic, I get distracted easily, but look at the facts, the multitudes of medical uses, the seemingly harmless way of ingesting it, zero negative side effects, has seen help improve AIDS and cancer patients lives. The recreational use of it, there are no violent crimes from people on marijuana. Seriously, you really think that hippy you republicans vision is going to go murder someone? Really? ...Really? The culture behind it, it has been used long before 2000 BC. It has survived, and it is here to stay. The sooner the governments realize that the better.

    They don't see that the money's just being thrown away. If they really want money, then they should legalize it and make it go through official businesses and be treated the same way as alcohol and cigarettes, they'd make it a commodity, they could create jobs for people, take it out of the black market, they say stepping stone hypothesis? I don't see official businesses selling crack with their products, just on the shelves in the back. No, you take away people's ability to be exposed to those drugs in the first place.

    People will be lazy? Yeah right, how many people smoke weed? Former President Bush, admitted to using it, Al Gore vice president admitted to it, Bill Clinton said he didn't inhale... Yeah I'll let you decide that one... Those people are lazy? Steve Jobs developed Apple smoking pot, he also was a cancer victim, and obviously it had benefited him to stay as healthy as he could and work doing the things he enjoyed. Ted Turner, CNN, he's a pothead too. You think a doctor who understands this plants benefits to health would not use it himself? Not break the law? Please, the law is so corrupt, remember when you could say you were proud of the men and women who were the law enforcement of your city? ...Yeah, me neither. Maybe back when I was too young to understand politics.

    To finish up I wish to say one thing. Hard drugs, harmful for your system, your body wants it out, removes all traces within a week. You smoke ONE marijuana cigarette and your urine test will show positive 30 days later. Doesn't that kinda hint our body doesn't think that it is harmful? if it stays in your system so long, is it really that dangerous?

    I apologize for the long message, I went on a rant and i figured, "I'm in the activist section." lol :smoke:
  2. I believe it was put on this planet by the Creator.

    I believe it was meant for food,clothing,recreation and medcine.

    I believe the Creator in all his wisdom knew before hand that man would try to control other's will and used non patentable easily grown plant's to circumvent the control freaks actions to control all medicine so that the poor and meak could maintain a somewhat healthier happier lifestyle in the face of extreme poverty.

    Free will is the very gift the Creator gifted to us, we can ask him to try and change Our wills but he does not try to force control on anyone.If god in all his wisdom isnt willing to force his will on you and let you decide for yourself who the heck is man to try? some dustball on a bigger dustball orbiting a even bigger dustball on fire Surounded by even bigger dustball's 1 trillion times the size lost in a sea of other dustballs.

    “Don't let anybody make you think that God chose America as his divine messianic force to be a sort of policeman of the whole world. God has a way of standing before the nations with judgment and it seems that I can hear God saying to America “you are too arrogant, and if you don't change your ways, I will rise up and break the backbone of your power, and I will place it in the hands of a nation that doesn't even know my name. Be still and know that I'm God.”
    - Martin Luther King
  3. It's an unbelievable plant. It's vigorous. It's beautiful. It's unique. It's too good to let go to waste.

    It's called weed for a reason. The stuff is so full of life. It's gorgeous buds have to be meant to attract something, the same way that berries are bright colors for birds and other animals to be attracted to. It's unique in the way the male and female plants are so clearly different. It's effects are impossible to replicate (despite what they may want to say about shit like Marinol.) And yet a certain few power-hungry fucks decided to deprive so much of the world of the innumerable uses of this beautiful plant as if they know better than we do and need to protect us from it. If so many of those in power have been or still are users, why is it taking so long to bring it to the masses? Corruption is the only reason. I fear for our race because of this. It shows that power and greed have too strong of a grasp over too many. Mark my words - these flaws will be the end of us.

    We are our own worst enemies or our best friends depending only on what we make of ourselves. Let it be the latter.
  4. #4 Deleted member 89359, Dec 22, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2011
    its all just a nightmarijuana we have created subliminally

    g0d is a zero surrounded by Fibonacci circles

    0 doesnt exist, time is an i-llusion, i luminate i
  5. i completely agree with the OP. I was a little creeped out reading this because our beliefs on marijuana are so similar. Have you ever seen The Union: The Business Behind Getting High? It has a lot of information dealing with your viewpoint such as taking it off the black market and reducing crime.
  6. The purpose of cannabis is just for it to be consumed. We've created a symbiotic relationship millions of years ago when mammals first started to eat it and develop the endocannabinoid system. Now it gets you high and has the most powerful medicinal effects in a broad spectrum of diseases. It's only purpose is to be valuable to us so it will be consumed (and reproduced in mass) by us. Still blows my mind every time thinking about it. It's developed these traits just for us to use it.
  7. The purpose of cannabis' life is to grow to maturity and become pollinated in time to spread it's seed to continue the species existence. This plant seems to have stumbled on a great way to ensure it's safety a long time ago, and adapt to have great value to a third party (people) who grow it for it's many functions. Maybe.

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