theory about death, birth, and just life

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by iamgoober14, Mar 27, 2008.

  1. my theory:

    there is a set number of organisms in this entire universe
    when on organism dies, all it does is change bodies (example: a squirrel dies and becomes a human)
    this number of organisms in the world stays constant
    if there are too many people in the world and overpopulation is a risk, some will die off and become an organism like bacteria, something that can exist in such large numbers while taking up minimal space

    things that help my theory:
    women being in labor: the woman stays in labor until an organism dies and is ready to take on the new body
    life support: if a woman isn't in a convenient place to have a baby, life is understanding and gives them a chance to get into a better situation, so the organism that is dying is kept alive until the better situation comes along
    fears: we dont know where we get our fears, they just exist, certain fears could come from experiences from past lives

    theres ALOT more to it, im just not high right now and cant think of it all, but.. discuss :smoking:

    edit: oh yea, another thing that supports: history, we know SO much about history and it's all so specific, how? because people wrote stuff down? do you write down everything you do in a day? i dont, sure, alot of people write alot of stuff that they do, but not enough to know all the history that we know, i believe that when discussions come up, people have memories from past lives and just say "oh yea i remember when..." and that becomes history
  2. But it seems like all of mother nature goes directly against this theory, all of our instincts are survive, procreate.

    If this theory is true, wouldnt the balance shift to a much more...complacent form of living?

    What happens when the world as we know it ceases to exist?

    The universe?

    Existence itself?

    There seems to just be so much more to the cyclical nature of reality as we know it. (earth) Pan dimensional?


  3. Good point! :)

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