
Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by 9xKitsun3, Nov 24, 2013.

  1. don't get it the first time? burn 1 n read again.

    What if our universe is the lake or ocean on a much bigger planet.
    different energies and things we are yet to comprehend...
    we would be "intelligent" microbial life. well, stupid compared to higher existence.
    our planet would be like a spec in that ocean. An ocean of matter...

    Theory on Time and Space.

    live for 60-100 yrs?
    <span>- normal and feels like a full life.
    - knows of earth and a little about the universe. or so we thought.

    a dog, 6-14 human years?.
    being born without the knowledge of being able to live a longer life as a human would, i'm sure at the end of theirs they feel the same feeling of living a full life.
    -The house = city
    backyard + house + wherever you walk your dog = province
    the city itself = the country, or the world world in the dogs eyes.

    a fly? 3 days?
    the home or field = their whole world.
    again, from birth to death the fly i's limited and restrained. it's species cannot advance any further. and has the same feeling of living a full life even though there is so much going on above it.

    so basically you have all of these entities and beings never knowing any better or the possibilities of this reality. Maybe that's why we will never be able to think out of the box (even though we are under the illusion that we are thinking outside of the box). there are just certain limitations on intelligence within each species that cannot be surpassed without outside interference.

    this cycle repeats all the way down to say... bees for example .and further. the feeling, to the best of your ability and knowledge you lived a full life. this would still apply to a creature that has a life span of 3 days . 1 day. 2 hours (germs?)

    And so maybe seekers shouldn't have been looking for whats "out there" , and should be asking " How long has it existed"??

    it would be foolish to think we are at the top of that "time chain" when there is this kind of proof .

    in religion those gods that everybody worships. these would be the beings above us superior in intelligence and life span. maybe these gods only lived for 500-600 years. but with increased knowledge and things the human mind cannot fathom. maybe it was their tasks to teach us a little about life, almost like how we train our dogs.

    but whats above gods, and does the cycle ever end?</span>
  2. Nice. I see where your going with it. I can't comment on your statement per say because i don't believe it but that's what's so great about life. Nobody knows why it is. There are countless theories out there that all sound good and plausible but who really knows. Will we ever really know. Maybe life is just life and we life then die. I mean that would explain the bee and dog thing.

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  3. i bet it can't be answered until you die. the irony being that even if we did have souls and were to reincarnate they can't hold physical memory. or if there is an afterlife, the meaning behind that question wouldn't matter anymore.
    my beliefs tend to grow with new theories and information. scientific evidence. unexplainable events such as some dude dying and coming back to life a couple days later and recalling experiences which are very similar to out of body experiences.
    so ya, whatever seems to fit in place with everything else with no inconsistentcies

  4. Theory of mind is a heavily debated subject, but most agree that humans are among very few if any animals on Earth that are conscious. A dog, a fly, germs, as you mentioned do not experience this and would not experience "a full life" in the same way we do. If you look at the species on this planet it's evident that the human approach is one of a kind. Also, we are actively calculating these questions you are posing, and the question of how old the universe is thought to be 13.8 billion years old. Many also theorize that the universe is expanding, into another space as you mentioned. However this is heavily debated and many also believe the universe is infinite, as well as a shrinking of the universe 
  5. Dolphins, whales, gorillas, seem clearly conscious of themselves to me. Perhaps not exactly as we define it, but not far from it either. Not just these, but when I look a little closer, more and more animals appear to reveal it. Where the line is drawn depends on where you draw it. It could be said that everything must be conscious in its own way.
  6. just to add a  better example extending a bit off of what esseff said,
    Dolphins - their whole world is the ocean, it's all they know. sure when they jump out of the water they get a brief glimpse into an unforeseen world, ours. But being high intelligent creatures there are still restrictions put on their species, unable to survive on land.

    the universe(s) are insanely big and it would be ignorant to think that we are all there is. there has already been planets spotted with land and h2o... and where there's water, there's life. 

    Lol makes you wonder at which stage of life is on that planet. if evolution took a different path. imagine scaley reptilian humanoids, bat winged humanoids. so cool to think about it :). not to mention tests done on here and mars indicate that life can still thrive even in the harsh environments. in volcano's, on ice. europa... would be sweet to get a sample unthaw it and cultivate it.

    with examples like these i think it's very likely that there are some things we will never understand... or rather won't understand until the next step in evolution ( if we survive long enough).
  7. I should clarify that by conscious I mean the ability to consider the weight of our actions and their implications through different applications.
    I remember having a theoretical conversation once about the intelligence of dolphins it was funny but a bit disheartening to imagine their life. Sure, they get some incredible views underwater, live a relatively long life safely near the top of the food chain, etc... but can you imagine being in their position.. with the intelligence to excel intellectually past their ancestors, but unable to because they cant manipulate the tools around them. I can imagine a dolphin swimming up to something and realizing that with just slight modifications to itself it could accomplish so much. We'd be right there with them without that ability. 
  8. No I can't, because to do so would need me to let go of my humanity. You have fallen into the trap of anthropomorphic thinking. They are not wondering how to be more than they are - they just are. It is a different form of consciousness.

  9. It plays both ways. We really don't know what's under the ocean. What if they evolved and were the ones that still needs to evolve. There could be so many alien life form under the sea or maybe under that who have built cities and shit. I know I'm reaching but it's still plausible.

    Also how do we even know there is a universe? Have you seen it? We only know what "they" tell us.

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    Or maybe they realize they dont need more than they have so they use their intelligence to survive without destroying every last resource and environment they come in contact with
    like, us.
  11. Yeah but I think you're taking for granted their ability to make change. Whether or not they realize that doesn't change the fact that they can do nothing about it. Humans are unique in that we possess exceeding intelligence as well as opposable thumbs to grasp and manufacture tools to change the world around us. A dolphin has very limited ability to do this, it cannot move things with the precision we do, and that is where the line is drawn. Humans are uniquely capable of manipulation of matter in the way I'm describing, and by extension uniquely capable of reaching certain epiphanies many of us take for granted as OP alluded to.
  12. Actually your reach isn't very far out with that one. close to home i guess you could say .
    there is scientific evidence to back all that up.
    and have you heard of polarity shifts? theoretically the land we lived on now was submerged beneath the watery depths. and that which thrived before us was on land which would have been what we call the pacific ocean and atlantic ocean etc.
    A long time ago i wonder what the inhabitants called it. there is tons of evidence of intelligent beings dating waaay back. can be found in the pyramids, structural patterns in the oldest building, relics.
    im thinking though that anything previous is un-attainable to us for now.... you can only go so deep without the pressure cracking you or your device. or vehicle. and on top of that thousands of years have covered it all up. probably like... 1-3 KM or earth covering those past civilizations.
    there have been discoveries of under water pyramids near atlantis's location.

    as for life forms, have you seen the angler fish?  proves that life can flourish even under the most insane conditions. (deep sea fish that dwells in the dark abyss) :hello:

    as for whats out in the universe well...
    Never A Straight Answer.

    that and you cannot trust anything in movies or shows. gotta think for yourself and deconstruct years of conditioning and brain washing...
    astral projection can help you figure out whats out there though. it's hard to do but pretty awesome. :metal:
  13. We sound like demi-gods when you put it that way :)

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