Hey guys, this is my first grow log, and I'm a first time GC poster. Hoping for some experienced eyes during my first cycle. I've been lurking for a little bit, and this seems like a badass community. Any comments, critique or advice is greatly appreciated. Here's the details: Preliminary: + FoxFarms Ocean Forest soil (moisturized before entering the pot) + All water is filtered, measuring a 6.5 pH automagically + Lumatek shroud with 600w bulb - 6" ducts w/ inline fan venting out of the grow room + 3 gallon pots with tray + 6 healthy looking Bubba Kush clones from Berkeley (nice white roots showing) + Basement space, roughly 12 ft x 25 ft - Has been sterilized, scrubbed and dried after a hell of a lot of thorough work + Reflective sheeting surrounding 75% of the grow area from Day 2 onward - With vent holes reducing temp by a degree or two + Two buckets of water to increase grow room humidity from day 2 onward + Two stationary fans circulating air - With one fan trained on the plants at low intensity from 5-6 feet away - Heard this helps with stalk size & overall health... + HEPA filter w/ exhaust cooling the ballast DAY 1: Water: Soil was pre moistened and got one moderated watering Lighting: 18 hours solitary, uninterrupted lighting Nutrients: None Temperature: ~ 78-80 evening temp Humidity: ~ 65% Notes: + Plants 1-6 looking healthy, showing slight improvement, & little to no stress from transfer + Several spiders spotted in the room for the first time in days - I know they can be good for plants, but I can't live with 'em + About 5.5-6 inches tall for plants 1-6 DAY 2: Water: Watered each plant until a slight run off (recycled run off for watering) Lighting: 18 hours Nutrients: None Temperature: 74 min 84 max, ~ 77.4 f / 62% h when undisturbed Humidity: 52% min 67% max Notes: + Noticeable growth in height, plants now measure ~ 6.5 avg + Reflective sheeting installed today + First humidity bucket installed + Irrigated the edges & middle of soil carefully + Plants seem slightly droopy toward the end of dark cycle + Standing tall in the light artificial wind (aside from slight droop) + Brighter green patches at the tops of plants + Small, slightly darker, purple-y patches on stalks + Cleaned, organized, swept and made the room 100% efficient & functional + Added some conversation co2 for about an hour DAY 3: Water: Soil was still very moist, only intermittent misting Lighting: 18 hours Nutrients: None Temperature: 75 min 81 max Humidity: 65 min 71 max Notes: + Little to no visible growth today + Plants look slightly droopy toward the end dark cycle + Plants do noticeably perk during light hours - Do look slightly better than yesterday, more "upright" + Second bucket increased the humidity noticeably Some questions I have: + Had a friend suggest Potassium Silicate (IIRC) to help roots with temp variance.... thoughts? + Same friend says Botanica big/grow/bloom set is much better than the GH Flora set because of a difference in Sodium (IIRC)... thoughts? - Silica blast? + When precisely to give first Nutes? (I've heard vague figures) + Does regular or intermittent breeze help strengthen plants, or am I asking for windburn?
this looks like a good journal. however its in the wrong place. you should pop it on over into the indoor grow journal section, you'll get many more view's/comments there. You should add pictures too, they speak 1000 words. EACH!
It's now updated with pics, if you want to help me out and be the first to take a look go ahead and click the link in my sig. Thanks