I've recently been introduced to a very interesting trilogy of films pertaining to philosophy, human history, and human governance. I've so far agreed with most of the films, but I think that the film creator has overestimated the will of people to adopt change. He does bring up a good point though, given the current state of the world and our currently failed socio-economic systems, we don't have much longer to exist on Planet Earth. We are simply consuming the Earth's natural resources to quickly. Most current human action is based on the rewards presented by subverting wealth from others for personal advancement. Human action needs to be based instead on the preservation of our planet. The Zeitgeist Film Series Gateway | Zeitgeist: The Movie, Zeitgeist: Addendum, Zeitgeist Moving Forward Very conspiracy theory like, and it probably does contain many misconceptions as well. It still got me thinking about politics and human governance. Start by watching the first Zeitgeist the movie.
Not to sound mean, but Zeitgeist is bunk. This is on the wrong board, this isn't for conspiracy theories. This belongs in Pandora's Box. Also, Zeitgeist has been talked about only about 20 thousand times. Making a topic telling us to watch Zeitgeist has been done to death.
Zeitgeist is right about a few things and wrong about a lot more. It's (basically) repackaged Marxism.
This movement gives me headache. The first movie was just alright, but it's information lags, is way too detailed to make any solid points and Part I - where they question the existence of Jesus Christ and the comparison of other religious figures - was embarrassingly debunked. I watched 'Moving Forward' two days ago and couldn't make past an hour and a half because it's basically preaching to the choir. It's more opinionated than informational. Your local library > The Zeitgeist Movement
Well I've personally never seen a Zeitgeist thread on here before, and thought I might as well try posting one. Anyway, I do agree that it is pretty far out there on a lot of the stuff, but some of it it hits spot on. The main point I'm talking about is the discussion of the Federal Reserve and the Fractional Reserve Banking System. Shit is fucked up Even if you don't agree with the Venus Project, everyone except for banking executives should despise Fractional Reserve Banking practices. Explain how Zeitgeist is bunk? Sure some parts might be exaggerated but most of the logic and facts are sound.
To all the other poster besides the last two...watch the newest movie. Its by far the best of the series and stays away from inconclusive conspiracies. It sticks to facts backed by studies and reputable people like phd's from harvard. Its better presented than the first two and has much more accurate information. It also goes very deep into the Venus project and explains it much better. You'd have to watch it first before you form an opinion. It really is much better than the others. - peace, joy, love, and light
I agree with this, it is worth watching imo. The latest one is the best because it stays away from the BS conspiracy theories. It of course does what all leftists do and conflate corporatism and capitalism but you can't really blame them when the mainstream right does as well.
Not really. If you took an econ class you'd see how poorly they explain the Federal Reserve's purpose and functioning. If you watch Zeitgeist, you know practically nothing about what the Federal Reserve does. For instance, Zeitgeist makes the Feds look like some private bank who suck money from every other bank and our own government. Our government is owned by the Feds since they depend on them right? Well, what the video doesn't tell you is the Feds transfer all profits back to the US Treasury. This is just one of the things Zeitgeist doesn't want you to know.
i believe they are just movies that show the world we live in and the path we are on in a different light . i've watched all three, sure all three are open to be debunked. that's wat makes it great in my mind, the option to openly ask questions about the truth of the film. that's exactly wat teh make of the movies want u 2 do , all his sources are there if u want to look it up online .. happy tokin.
moving forward is correct, anyone who is stuck on the whole "they dont know what the banks and government are really doing" thing is way off the mark. moving forward is about the main things holding our species back, mainly... money. if you removed money out of the equation everything stays the same except there is no greed. countries with starving numbers have food in their borders, the starving people just dont have the MONEY to aquire the food. moving forward is trying to get across to the masses that politics and money not only dont mix but, dont even fucking exist. what are you all stupid? all the borders on maps and all the money in our "economy" are lines on paper. economy comes from the word economize. that is to function at a level which waste and resources are almost nothing. we dont even GIVE a fuck about what resources we have left. it is a never ending cycle, in case you all havnt noticed the only real goal you have in life is work until you die. try and prove me wrong on that one. you may have things you wish to do in your life but your mean goal is to have money to acquire things until you die. its basically the human ego on a massively bloated scale, and we all know your ego does nothing but distract you from whats real and whats important.
I think the real problem is simply limited resources. We use money to make acquiring the resources we need easier. Otherwise on pay day instead of receiving a check, you would get 10 lbs of food, 20 gal. water, 2 t-shirts, pants, and some gas for your ride. Now maybe I drive a Prius and don't use much gas...what do I do? I trade it for some of your food because you drive a truck and need more than me. Sure we didn't use money but inequity could still be taking place. Greed could still exist. It would be a modern day Bartertown. What we need is a change of perspective on a global scale. More cooperation among nations to further humanity and get the most out of the resources we know of and in finding more. We need less hummers and all you can eat restaurants (at least until we get things solved like a sustainable renewable energy plan and enough food for everyone). Now I am not all about government control and telling people they can't do something like buy a Hummer. Maybe put a surcharge on it. Do something useful with that money like invest it in energy research. You could do the same with other things deemed wasteful. The only risk is where the lines are drawn on what is and is not "wasteful". It's like censorship, one man's wasteful is reasonable to another. Just like offensive material. I dunno. Hopefully that added something to the discussion.
The name of the game in our current world is to maximize profit. This is done by maximizing the subversion of wealth from others, with little to no regard to any other needed process like natural resource preservation. The socio-economic policies of our world needs to be set to appropriately using and distributing our natural resources in the most efficient manner like you said. When all of our natural resources are gone like clean water (for most people), sources of energy, and important minerals, we are fucked.
Ha ha... I watched the first one and thought "wow this is a piece of shit". After about 45 minutes of this 'moving forward' version I was thinking "damn, this information actually sounds intelligent and makes sense"; this is when they're talking about human development psychology, the nature vs. nurture debate, etc. I'm about 6 minutes into Part II and any respect I had for the film is draining away real fast. The lack of economic knowledge is mind boggling. The narrator says "The more sick or dying people there are in America, the better the economy". This is ridiculously stupid. What about productivity? What about the effects this would have on the labor market?
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9WEWcbfnHg]YouTube - Zeitgeist: Moving Forward - A Reply to Peter Joseph[/ame] Reply by Stefan Molyneux to a Zeitgeister. Even without knowing the context of their debate, it's a good video on this topic.
I watched half of "Moving Forward" and although it had a lot of good points and interesting philosophies, the way these movies make you think isn't really conductive to fitting in with society.
Look at the Great Depression for example. People didn't have enough food and lived in shanty towns. Was this because because farmlands were growing crops? Did houses disappear? Did the labor force disappear? None of the above, the reason is money. It's a fake system, not based on resources it's based on control via debt. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Z9WVZddH9w]YouTube - ZEITGEIST: MOVING FORWARD | OFFICIAL RELEASE | 2011[/ame]
So you should discount the whole thing, I mean it's not as if economic collapse and things such as mass revolts are happening in the world....oh wait