The Zach Puchowitz Appreciation Thread

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by MisterMilkMan, Feb 14, 2009.

  1. #1 MisterMilkMan, Feb 14, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 10, 2009
    Post your Zach P glass and show the man some love:smoke:

    Here's what i have from him...
    Mini Inline

    Push Slide

    Two Dry A/C Sliders

    Honeycomb Spoon
  2. #3 TOK3, Mar 30, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 30, 2009

    A friend of mine hittin the ZP mini..

  3. can somone pm me how much a mini inline tube from Zach costs as well as how to get a hold of him. thanks

    great tubes btw. love the first one
  4. ^Same thing please^
  5. I am pretty sure Zach P is pretty busy with custom orders, so be prepared to wait for awhile.
  6. ^^ where did you hear that? If anything he just got back from Vegas and making stuff for that show.
  7. Had to bring this back because he is an awesome artist.
  8. his pieces look amazing. would love to own one
  9. fuck im tryin to save up for one of his minis, they are so fuckin dope. Anyone know how much it costs? i dont want it frosted, full clear with his sick marbles on it, if that matters.
  10. depending on where you go and who you know, theyre between 200 and 300
  11. #12 dcallstarr, Apr 11, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2009
    wow i just noticed that my spoon is a Zach P. im still shocked i had no idea, as soon as i can i will load some pictures up on here so ya'll can tell me if it is.

    but the design on the spoon is really similar to your's it must be, got it in philly is Zach P. local around there cause i thought thats what the shop owners told me it was a somewhat local blower.

    Edit- heres the pictures, let me know what you all think


    Attached Files:

  12. what do ya'll think?? bump bump bump it up
  13. looks like a zp..... no signature?
  14. now where would the sig be? that spoon is the exact same style as milk man's spoon and even his slides so it leads me to believe it is one. Id love to know for sure i always knew it was such a nice spoon but never who blew it to begin with, had it for years it seems.
  15. Where in Jersey did you find these? I really am interested these spoons look so nice.
  16. got this one at artifax in philly. its on cottmann ave. not far away at all from where im at in new jersey.
  17. DCall, yes Zach P lives in philly, and that is definitely one of his spoons. Sick by the way dude +rep. He doesnt put sigs on his spoons for some reason though. oh well still love his work.
  18. sick man thats real good to know especially since i had no idea i owned some of his work already. honestly glad i stumbled upon this thread because i've admired this spoon and its craftsmanship and style for a while. thanks for the newfound info!

  19. X2 they look good

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