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The WORST Weed You Ever Smoked

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Whatisup618, Feb 1, 2011.

  1. Alright, so no matter how hard it is for some us to own up to it, we've all smoked so schwag weed in our day. So I think this thread would be a good place for us to get a good laughs from other people's stories.

    Let me start. Couple years back, I found some weed that my mom must have confiscated from my older brothers and just forget about. Anyways, I found it but it was the most dried out couple of nuggets you've ever seen. But i was dumb at the time, so some orange hairs and decided it must've been good back in the day.
    Long story short, me and my friends smoked. Let me just say, worst tasting weed I've ever smoked, like terrible. Inhaling a hit left a terrible taste you wanted to just spit out. Disgusting shit. Luckily, it did leave me a pleasant happy feeling, given its gross dried state.

    Any other stories out there??
  2. Few years ago my friend bought a gram for $7(random price i know) and so we smoked it, pretty much the whole bag was stems and seeds. Didn't even feel buzzed
  3. This guy on the corner told me if I closed my eyes and sucked on a hose he would hook me up with some weed, killer deal? Right? Hell yeah, I thought.

    Turns out the shit he sold me was dry as all hell, it came out to a little over an 1/8th which I was happy about other than the fact that each bowl lasted for one hit and didn't fucking get me anywhere. Needless to say after that shit hookup I quit closing my eyes and sucking on a hose for weed, I may never be the same...
  4. My friend's first pick up was some dark green powder shit. Worse than schwagg. He rolled up a huge stem in a post-it note. He wanted me to smoke it with him, but I was sticking with my good green, which I offered to him. He didn't want it, but he gave me a hit. Fucking awful. He didn't even get high, although he had smoked before. It was actually pretty funny.
  5. ...wat
  6. *cough*South Park*/cough*
  7. I got about 3 grams of mids from my one friend in exchange for driving him to make a deal. I ended up using it all as personals. It had no real smell except for the spice bag (my 'mids sack') I put it in, and it took two bowls to even feel it. And I'm a lightweight.
  8. When i was 14 and starting out, i bought a dimebag off a kid (he gave me a little over a gram). Smoked a bowl, threw it out.
    The bud tasted exactly like laundry detergent. not to mention it was shitty schwag that got me nowhere. The laundry Detergent taste was probably what costed me extra.
  9. so just a couple weeks back i was dry and the only thing i had was vaporized shwag(or close to it). i made the mistake of smoking it. EXTREMELY harsh i coughed for 10 minutes straight only managed to get 2 bong bowls, then i had to quit. took me 30 minutes to settle my throat. amazingly i still got high.
  10. I was 15, had someone i thought was a "freind" tell me he had 2 gs for 20 bucks..i said ok being my stupid self. He rolls up and gives it to me i dont even look at it until i get home when i do i say WHAT THE FUCK??? it was brown, wet, SHWAG. When i put it in a bowl, it literally wouldnt even lite. now this is someone who i shouldnt have trusted in the first place considering he dropped out of high school at 18 and is very white and acts like he is a gangster. fuck the liars and thiefs in this world.
  11. That "legal" weed or whatever it's called... Never again....
    On a side note, my iPod tried autocorrecting "legal" to Lego
  12. back when i never really blazed, a friend and I gave some guy $40 for 8 pre rolled joints.
    they had this in them:

    not a pleasant smoking experience but i can say i learned the hard way
  13. I bought a dub from some wigger at a party. Got home and smoked it with gf, half of it was seeds and gave me a headache. Never bought from that kid again.
  14. did u look at the bag he handed you lol?

  15. wigger?

    ive smoked plenty of crappy high every time. looks are deceiving i suppose.
  16. Worst weed I have ever smoked was High Quality Mid-grade marijuana. Green with very few hairs. The best.. was prolly this no-name purple stuff I got. Super sticky and crystally.
  17. A few years back my dealer had weed called boot Leather,it was brownish gray if that makes sense . I think it was like 30 bucks an ounce and the smoke tasted like cow shit and some kind of cooking herb ( it was marijuana thow ) . The high was more of a buzz that turned into a headache 20 minutes later no matter how much u smoked . worst shit ever

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