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The Worst Has Happend

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by mutated seabass, Mar 4, 2007.

  1. <tt><tt>Maybe it's not important HOW I got caught, but the fact that I was caught.
    Not by the cops, worse, my parents. I'm 19 and I live with my parents.
    They are very close minded people, to them, weed is drugs, and drugs is the root of
    all evil in the world. I'm a 3.5 GPA college student, I have a part time job, I dont smoke cigarrettes, I don't drink,
    I have a job, my life is very well held
    together and I can honestly say that I am a good kid. But hearing my mother cry saying her son is a drug addict really brings me down.
    My parents flipped. My dad who is a heavy drinking cried himself, he's assuming all my money goes
    to drugs and that its only a matter of time before I end up like my uncle, in jail.
    (my uncle was a REAL drug addict, but drugs are all the same to them."
    My parents made me feel like as if it was their fault for raising me like
    this that i'd end up smoking marijuana. They keep saying that I'm addicted to
    it and that I'm going crazy. But to be honest, if weed was never in my life I would be a very different, depressed person, and that it has definitely changed my life for the better. They wanted to call the cops and me to take me
    to rehab....(but its not happening). Now, they are sitting outside thinking
    and it hurts knowing they'll never look at me the same anymore. FUCK@!!!

    • Like Like x 1
  2. Ok, try reasoning with them first. Explain HOW weed ISNT a drug. Then if it gets down to it, be blunt. Yell at your dad for being an alcoholic. Show him how you are able to still function when fucked up and he's not. How you will never be able to overdose on your "drug" but he can. Show him that you are a better person than he is. Who knows, you might get him to change.
  3. Damn, this quite a conundrum. I honestly don't know any other solution other than to try to show them REPUTABLE RESEARCH done by scientists that proves that marijuana doesn't cause cancer, isn't physically addicting, and doesn't impair your life in any way. Unfortunately, if that doesn't work, the only other options you have are either to stop using marijuana, or to move out.
  4. I know how you feel bro. I'm in highschool still (I am 18) and yeah so im still living at home. To this day, my parents always threaten me with cops, or rehab, i always get name called as if im a drug addict or im a failure/loser because i am on "drugs". So you're not the only one in that boat man, and yeah it's hard hearing them say those awful things, they just dont understand. Some parents will sit down and hear their kids out about weed, mine would never. Good luck with your parents man
  5. I dont think you should give a fuck what your parents think. You know its not a drug and know in your heart it isnt bad, who cares what anyone else thinks.
  6. Dam tough situation dude. The initial shock is the worst will get better with time and as long as you keep proving yourself to them with good grades and holding a job ect maybe they will see it is not so bad after all:)

    make them some brownies or somethin:cool:
  7. That sucks man. Only over time will it get better. You cant change their mind now. There is no way you can explain to them everything you've accomplished has been done because of the ganj. Just take it all in. You know what you are, dont go out of your way to prove them wrong, just live your life. Keep going to school, keep working, keep getting good grades, and of course, keep tokin'. As you become a successfull person, make enough money to move out, find a great girl, have kids, make a life, your parents will learn to accept the fact that you were strong enough to avoid the bad effects of marijuana, and even though you were a "druggy" you managed to be successfull. And who knows if youll be smoking then. but if they only think you were "lucky" let them think what they want, family is very important, but you seem like a strong person, use your family for what its for, but dont expect too much. Stay high. Im high. Bye.

  8. I think he should, the raised him, paid for clothes, food and general upbringing... they obviosly love you, other wise they wouldn't be like that.

    All you can do is talk REASONABLY to them, don't raise you voice, dont act like an asshole, as that will only add to the fact they think you are addicted to weed.

    Research about weed and all its benifits, also research the negatives.

    One think i have learned arguing with parents about these sorts of matters are get out the NEGATIVE facts first, get them all out there so they nothing else to really say on the matter, then counter them all afterwords with POSITIVE facts. Belive me that is the winning combonation.

    And if all else fails, move out, and if you cannot afford to, quit smoking the drug, IT IS A DRUG, and if your parents want you stop after you present them with that information, i would quit, like i said they raised you.

    Peace out.
  9. shit man that sucks i feel sorry for you but it'll turn out allright
  10. Some good advice out there, try and stay calm when talking to them and try to keep them calm as well.

    Based on their reaction, it doesn't sound like you are going to get a fair shake right now at selling them on marijuana. Hopefully they chill out a little bit and eventually you do get that chance.

    I think a good starting point would be to let them know that even though you disagree on this subject that you do respect them and that it really does hurt you when they think of you so negatively. Right now they are flipping because they have an feeling on weed (it is evil), and you have gone the opposite way, so they take that as disrespect when in reality it sounds like your decision to toke had nothing to do with them. Let them know that right off the bat, that is key.

    Once they get calmed down, you're going to have to use your ability to read them to know if it's time to actually debate them on this issue. My guess is you aren't going to be able to change their minds completly, but hopefully can soften their stance enough that you can do your thing.

    Good luck man, let us know how it turns out and/or if you need some more help with the actual debate on mary jane.
  11. my advice is just tell them that it isnt hurting anybody (you know the whole spleel) and tell them that you love them for who they are, and ask them why they cant do the same for you, kina guilt them into coping with it.

    man, im glad i dont have to deal with that, i am the youngest of 3 kids, and everyone in my family smokes. I guess its just in my blood and that why i smoke daily. MY dad still does, my mom does once in a blue moon, and my two sisters are huge pot heads.... one is a hippy tree hugger and i love it. ANYWAY, i know my dad smokes, i have toalked to him before, but i have never smoked with him, does anybody have any cool tricks to sort of get him to smoke with me with out directly asking him haha, or maybe im just a pussy and i should just ask him. Kinda feels weird though.

    anyway, this is my first post, just thought i would get that out there too. thanks :hello:

  12. Make them watch Penn & Teller's episode of "Bullshit!" on marijuana. That might help clue them in.

    Plus, it's just a damn good show.
  13. Just tell him hey dad i got some dank chronic if you want to smoke come to my room and then just walk in your room if he goes then shibbey.
  14. ignorance...just ignorance....but in the end there doing it cause they love you. there obviously misinformed if there crying over the subject. teach em some real info, i duno...till then...i guess sucks to be you
  15. i just went through this over christmas break. It will all blow over in a few weeks/ month or 2. It may not seem like it, (it didnt to me) but it will. Just hang in there. Your parents may still not be cool with it (mine aren't) but they can't stay mad at their child forever. In that case it is up to you to keep them in a blissful ignorance. Good luck!

    here's the post i made when it went to shit for me. A pretty similar story (even with the uncle thing somewhat) link
  16. Tell your dad you'll stop smoking weed if he stops drinking, if he attempts this feat he will have withdrawal symptoms and go through depression etc. while you will essentially live the same life.

    Then ask him who the real addict is.
  17. Weed is a drug though (well, THC and the other psychoactive chemicals are drugs -- the rest is just vegetable matter). Then again, aspirin is a drug too. Not all drugs are equivalent, and that's an important point -- one that anyone's parents should be able to grasp, if they are calm and collected enough to think rationally.
  18. basically their are two types or parets, the close minded and the open minded. no matter what dude some parents are not going to listen to you, and going to stay in their little mininformed box and not come out for anyone! then there are the type of parents that want to discuss things/understand their child and are willing to compromise. sounds pretty much like your parents are deciding right now to stay ignoreant/uneducated about the whole thing or maybe they will try to understand (haha). anyways good luck, gradute , move out its all good after that...
  19. Lets keep this real now: Your parents will never understand and never allow you smoke pot if they reacted like that. You can try erowid all the facts.... ect.... and still will get you no where. Trust me ive been there done that. What you need to do is to tell them your ganna stop smoking and keep it a secret from them until you have your own place to live at. Be careful now, and make sure they dont find out about your smokin that cheeba until you move out. Take care and good luck. Spend more time with your rents and gain their trust back.:wave:

    keep smokin':smoking:

    Continue with college. Keep your grades up. Keep your job. Keep saving cash.

    MOVE OUT:smoking:

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