The world will start revolting

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Nihon Kaigun, Jan 29, 2011.

  1. Now that's the spirit, get fired up!!!! Go rage out and break shit..
  2. oh i will..dont you worry

    you didnt read my post didnt you?
  3. I am hoping it will...i'll be right out there with them if it does

  4. While I agree with most of your post, I had a problem with this one line.

    Forgive me for the cheesiness. Should the CEO of IBM or Microsoft make the same amount of money as the guy flippin burgers at McD's? Or forget CEOs, how about Microsofts most talented programmer. Think he's worth a little more than the burger dude? That's why there are classes and differences in salary. If everyones makin burger wages, or the burger guys are getting as much as the CEOs, what motivation is left for anyone to do anything but flip burgers?
  5. I wonder when the Latin American countries are going to start revolting, if at all.
  6. #26 Rastafari, Jan 30, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 30, 2011
    "Today they say that we are free... only to be chained in poverty..."
    [ame=]Bob Marley - Crazy Baldheads[/ame]

    listen to the first sentence...
    [ame=]Bob Marley - Place of Peace[/ame]

    [ame=]Bob Marley - REVOLUTION[/ame]
    (You can till how hard he was chillin by his eyes ;))

    Why is NOW, all of sudden because of Egypt when everyone is like OMG?!?!? What Terence Mckenna said is so true, if you go to some places today, you'd believe the apocalypse already arrived :eek:
  7. You just made me think of something...
    THIS IS MY THEORY ON WHY AMERICA HASN'T REVOLTED YET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
  8. blueend and skim - very awesome posts :hello:

    I definitely agree and can't wait to be a part of things that progress this country/the world. The US is in a pretty shitty state, even if all the americans are blinded by their own issues. For anyone in different countries-what is the overall viewpoint of americans? Fat and lazy? Awesome? I never really get to talk to anyone from anywhere else so I don't know really what others think about it. Either way, over here (in the states of texas and tn least ) people *think* everythings going fine, the pres gave his speech and now everyones all behind him. People have shitloads of flags everywhere supporting the country, supporting the war with bumper stickers and yard signs, crosses everywhere, basically misc things to keep their mind off of the bullshit going on. They care about tanning, tv, drinking, money, schoolwork, etc, but I literally think I only have 3 friends who know whats really going on in the world. That really search for information and don't just absorb it from what others say or whats on tv. Virtue7 and I were talking about this the other day and it just baffles me- why don't they care? Are they afraid? Ignorance is bliss theory? They just don't know? What?? Can someone just explain it to me?

    And as far as the hour/hour work thing, I see "PC gamer" (leet name btw..)'s point, but thats also looking at it from a superficial way. I think blueend meant fundamentally, we are all the same- period. We shouldn't be whoring our time at jobs anyway, getting paid $__ for ___ hours of work. We do all sell basically stocks of ourselves when we go to work, no matter what were doing. We let someone put a pricetag on our time, and then sell it. It's all a fucked up system through and through, does that mean I know how to fix it? No. I do think programmers can be very useful, but at the same time, people have been able to survive for a prettttty long time without computers so IMO they aren't that important. I'm sure plenty disagree since everything runs on computers now, but in my opinion they are not a necessity. If we as a race could figure out other ways to do things, and do them in a more all inclusive/work together way, I think that is going to be when the real turn-around comes. Once people realize money is just paper (or numbers on screen since most of us only use cash when it comes to buying some ganj) and that it doesn't mean someone is better than someone else, it doesn't mean someone deserves food more than someone else, or that one deserves life over someone else, then we will be free of it. When human beings can realize we're all of the same thing, and that we all are in this together, maybe we can learn to be overall more positive, put out better energy, and overall be one. We all just need to love and respect each other.
  9. PHP:

    ill explain why i believe that..thats a very frequent question and i totally get why youre asking..

    more profit corrupts people..and the tendancy is.."go be a doctor youll have more money" "go become a idk architect ,youll make more money"

    1.people should do what they love doing..the way society is ,people are choosing jobs they dont really like just to gain more money to live better..and i dont accuse them for has to survive..

    but what if we all could choose anything wed want to do for a living..without fearing we'd die homeless..

    there are people who are really into science..they dont just do it for the money..there would still be people like that..
    there are people who enjoy working with numbers and statistics...math is their thing..there would still be these kind of people...

    example..i didnt do well in school and cant study in university..
    ill choose serving coffees at a cafe for a living..
    or making burgers...

    i might not have studied as much as you have but I am standing on my feet from the moment i go to work till i go home ..making sth for you to eat cause youre hungry or serving you while youre enjoying yourself..
    does this make this person less important? what if all the restaurants and cafes and bars and clubs would close.everywhere!
    dont they satisfy a need of yours?they do..a need for getting away of it all and just enjoying yourself..
    or the ones who clean the cities?could you live in a city filled with garbage?just because they havent studied for that, doesnt make them less important than the guy in Microsoft..

    im not saying it should be like cuba..fuck no
    the one who studied 10 years should get paid some more..and the one who works in mines risking his life should get paid some more too..

    but the gap between salaries is way too much..

    if anarchy would happen im sure things like that would be carefully considered..but the main value would be that there should be a good standard of living for everyone..there is money...there is ALOT of money in the world..but very few have so much money..

    why should the refuges be considered cheap working hands?do they value for less as human beings?

    for the ones who choose to study and the ones who just clean the city or work in factories and make food for us to eat (cause not everyone can grow by themselves )
    there shouldnt be a vast gap between salaries..we all play our role in society...we all deserve a house and a car and food and going out no matter the job we do or how much we have studied..
    the gap shouldnt be that much..

    and that leads to other things like...why should we have to pay for school and universities?

    and i could take it way too far and talk to you about a society without money at all..just exchange of goods and services..

    its hard to imagine i know but that doesnt mean it wouldnt be good..
    if youd tell people 3000 years ago how society is now theyd think your nuts..

    now youll ask who will organize all that? small syndicates collaborating with other syndicates..
    procedures would be much easier since itd be direct speech so there wouldnt be any oppressing drama like now etc etc..

    and of course that is against globalization for the most part..
    im not against it thou..just economically..
    i dont think there should be countries and borders..

    anarchism happened in a part of spain for a about it.its interesting.

    anyways..for this to be achieved itll be alot of ALOT..
    so much i know i wont witness sth like this myself..

    that doesnt mean ill stay static to policies that step on me..

    i hope i cleared that up a bit..
    im kinda in a breaking my balls haha

    anyways if theres anything else youre wondering id be happy to answer sometime

    anarchy is so much more than what the vast majority just need to step back and stop thinkin of todays society rules to get it..

    plus as i said before..thats what my logic tells me..thats how i feel society would be fair..
    we might not have the exact same logic..
    its only logical..

    p.s. im sorry for any grammar mistakes etc etc..i dont have time to check for mistakes right now..hope my writing makes sense..

  10. Yeah, things are going to have to get pretty bad for the average person to actually wake up to our reality of us being pheasants.
  11. #31 PC Gamer, Jan 30, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 30, 2011

    So to me it sounds like you want everyone to have the basic necessities to live life.

    I have an easy solution that will never happen but we could keep our current system. Raise the minimum wage. For example, if everyone is making 50k a year minimum, which is more than enough to survive on, then everyone can feel equal. People who do more demanding jobs (engineer, doctor, etc..) of course will receive more money per year as with out current system. To me, this seems like the easiest solution ever. Money isn't backed by anything but our faith in its value, so don't even mention inflation or decrease in the dollar's value.

    Business owners would hate this though because that means more money out of their pockets for their workers' wages. Would be a pretty logical solution though. People simply want more money to buy what they need/want. All current problems stem from: greed or lack of money, bitterness, and jealousy.
  12. Bad idea. More jobs will go overseas, fewer people will be employed.

    Why not mention it? Inflation hurts the poor.
  13. #33 PC Gamer, Jan 30, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 30, 2011

    Im not talking about the US only :rolleyes:. If everyone in the world is making a minimum of 50k why would jobs go overseas? Talk about comin out of left field..

    Inflation would only affect us if retailers/grocery raised prices on goods. That wasnt part of my suggestion, though. You're off base. I said to simply raise the minimum wage and print more paper if need be. In my vision, everything is the way it is now, people just have more money to spend. Kind of like communism where if you work you get a share of the common wealth, but there is room to be more than a burger flipper making whatever the new minimum wage is. Price system stays the same, based on supply and demand, not the value of paper.

    Anything else I can help you with today?
  14. They would instantly raise the price of goods so they could pay all their employees:rolleyes:

  15. Ignorant as fuck. You have no Idea who I am as a person. or for that matter any of the people on this forum.
  16. But here's the thing. Everyone isn't equal. If you don't agree, just visit ANY local walmart and observe the knuckle draggers that shop there. They look/act/seem like a totally different species. And the same can be said by visiting a number of shit-hole ghetto neighborhoods in and around St Louis and East St Louis.

    Where does this mythical money come from? What if I don't want to or "can't" work? Is my $50k still going to show up? Where is the motivation to actually work if everyone is equal? Sounds like communism to me or am I wrong?

  17. equality is a myth that most liberals can't seem to grasp. absolute equality (or equilibrium if you will) aside from being a liberal wet dream, is stagnant, nothing changes. only a dynamic system has the ability to change. as equilibrium is reached in any system resource flow grinds to a halt.

  18. The two emboldened places are where i call bullshit.

    Now i know you believe in the possibility of a pretty world where it rains gumdrops, but these goals are NOT realistic, nor do they solve anyones problems, nor do they attempt to make ammends with reality ( kind of said that twice i guess)

    Who are you to decide who desrves what? What person you know, is capable of making this decision competently? Your rationalization that its moral because your attempting to help everybody is about an inch deep. In reality you have to take something from one place to put it in another. You have to steal.

    I suppose you think stealing from rich people is somehow less morally wrong than stealing from poor people?

    Your value as a human being comes from what you do, and the decisions you make. Humans are only as valuable as they can make themselves. If you cannot make yourself more valuable to society ( or worse yet, if you won't) then why would you think its okay to just go ahead and give them 50 k a year? Because this is ideal in your eyes, and it would create a society full of prospering citizens !!!!

    Market should determine someones value. You think your ideals are somehow better because they provide for people who are incapable of providing for themselves, i think you are rewarding incompetence. In a world where you can't REALLY fuck up and lose everything you have, becase your gauranteed 50K a year in your job, Who is going to be motivated to innovate? Why would anyone want to improve beyond taco bell cashier? You can have everything you need, and most of what you want, without preparing yourself for the world at all !!! just find ANY shitty job and your good :)

    And people say anarchists live in a fantasy world.....
  19. Oh, so you're talking about the fictional, and improbable, nightmare of one-world government.


    Retailers would raise the price on goods, that's the only way they could account for loss of value in currency. If you dilute the currency by 2 then your currency is worth half as much.

    Do you understand how inflation works? :confused:

    Ohhhhh, so what you're saying is that you have no understanding of economics.

    Got it.

  20. No dude I didn't, I got a headache trying to read it.. Im not a grammar guy, but damn dude, just try a little.

    So what is it they should be afraid off? What is so bad in America right now? I know some shit is fucked up, but is it the end of the U.S. or time for a revolt? I would have to say no, but if you feel there is then rock on.

    Maybe I don't care as much because I have a good job, a family and can pretty much do whatever it is I want, because I live in America..

    I'm not going to spend my life thinking that I'm some elite human being because I "know" the truth and think everybody else is dumb and ignorant.

    If the Govt. shut down the internet there would be revolt, other than that I don't see anything ever happening.

    So what are you gonna over throw the Government now? Or just talk about it on the internet?

    I bet I can guess what you are gonna actually do.. Why because shit aint that bad in the USA!

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