the wonders of the human body

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by SpiceMadeOfLife, Nov 25, 2008.

  1. No one can protest how much I believe the human mind is the most extraordinary mechanism that any of us have ever seen. In all of our wonders of human invention we still have no concept of how it works or how much more we are capable of. It is the very basis of what makes us human.

    However, all of our collectively godly wisdom and achievement on earth would never have happened without the human body. It is the most complex, extraordinary physical machine in the entire universe as we know it. It has let us do everything we can do today. Look at this for example.


    You probably know what that is. That is a human hand. Millions of years of evolution have come and gone and this is the physically most perfect way of letting a human being interact with the world as we know it.

    Now, look at this


    This is a human eye. This is how we view our world. Most humans can view things in full color, millions of color variations visible to all it gazes. In a fraction of a microsecond upon opening our eyes our brains can let us view the physical world in all of its glory. We can instantly focus on an object and track it along our line of sight, and instantly focus on something else. We can view things from far away away one second, and then something very close the next. Our eyes are so powerful that we can see light from a universe away (stars).

    I cannot go into detail about every single structure of the body. These 2 are just the most interesting to me. But seriously we are the product of millions of years of evolution. That's pretty crazy. Just a little example.

    Just for the sake of posting a whole thread on this what is the human body part that you find the most interesting? And you know, try to keep it clean lol
  2. thats a beautiful drawing. but as for everything else, we're not that great.
  3. I find myself typically more intrigued by the inner workings of the body. The digestive system, circulatory system, etc. When I am high, in particular, I am consistently thinking about my insides and attempting to get a better understanding of how they operate. I meditate and focus on my breathing, and as many of the tiny details of the inside of my body as I can. I hear small creaks, gurgles, pops, etc, and I wonder what's going on. Fascinates the hell out of me.

    Interestingly though, I have a weird fear of being able to physically TOUCH the inside (or perceived insides) of my body. If I press hard enough into my skin that I can feel the detail of my muscles, it creeps me out. Same if I feel inside of my belly button and things like that. I don't know if maybe I have a fear of harming myself somehow or what.
  4. the human mind and body when they truly work together is really amazing. I watched an entire discovery channel show on it. Your mind can subconsciously convince you to do things you'd never do to save your life, or your body can react quite impressively in a short second when threated. One guy was stranded out in the ocean, with just water. He managed to start catching fish and eating them, but the fish meat didnt have all the nutrients he needed to survive. He didn't know this, but his body forced him to start craving the "junk" of the fish i.e. the eyeballs, and whatnot, because they contained a little bit of the nutrients that could help him survive... theres all kinds of crazy things we can do

    as far as the mind... phew, don't get me started... im so interested in the human brain, everything about it. psychology, psychiatry, and just trying to figure out myself, people and human nature

    yea i cant put much pressure to my belly button... i dunno, i just feel like im gonna push a hole right through it lol... crazy i know, but my mind just won't let me keep any pressure there... i just tried it like 30 seconds ago and i still have a weird feeling around my naval
  5. I saw that series. Pretty good.

    The one with the guy that had like a one or two ton boulder fall on him amazed me. His mind was actually able to fire all of his muscles at once to aide him in pushing it off of his body. Unbelievable. He fucked himself up pretty bad, obviously, but he lived. Whew.
  6. Same with me! It's weird. My girlfriend thinks i'm strange.

  7. haha yea dude, its crazy. You got an innie?? man i can't even clean it out because it just eeks me out so much lol. I'll always try to get out whatever nastyness gets in there when i shower, but i always give up, thinking my skin will just unravel, releasing a rapid burst of all my organs to the floor, and down the drain... lol, ok well i exaggerated a bit, but its a huge pet peeve of mine, i try to avoid it

    [edit] sorry for the semi-thread jack lol... although i guess the naval is pretty extraordinary... helped me enjoy food at one point in my life
  8. Yep, and I feel just about the saaame way.
  9. Just stumbled across this video and it kind of relates to this thread!

    FYI- it's fucking impressive.

    [ame=""]Rough Day At Work Video@@AMEPARAM@@file= Day At Work&tags=man,transports,Bricks,his,head,epic,wow,amazing,omg&description=Man transports 20 bricks on his head.
&displayheight=325&backcolor=0x0d0d0d&lightoclor=0x336699&frontcolor=0xcccccc&image= Day At Work@@AMEPARAM@@man,transports,Bricks,his,head,epic,wow,amazing,omg@@AMEPARAM@@Man transports 20 bricks on his head.
  10. And our mind can hold it in one place, across time even. :)

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