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The "wish I could blaze" thread

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by Mrs. 420, Jan 19, 2010.

  1. I know you can't burn every single time you want to.

    So you feel like getting lifted?
    Why can't you?

    I really wanna burn, but I'm trying to wait for my paw to go to sleep cause I don't want to share.
  2. This is actually a pretty good thread idea. I always wanted to hear from fellow stoners in my situation when I couldn't smoke due to drug screenings. That was months ago though.

    In your situation I think you should just smoke up, share with your dad, he wants to smoke too but cant cause you wont share!!!
  3. i wish i could blaze...oh wait i can, and i'm about to....right.....




    much better.
  4. cant toke now got to wait for the house to clear out:( but theres only 1hour and 15mins to go then ill be:smoking: YAY!
  5. outta weed =( outta resin =(
  6. good thread idea! in colorado right now on vacation... no bud, no mmj card, no hook ups. get home tonight and picking up an o tomorrow... can't wait to end this short t-break!
  7. I wanna blaze like mad. But im in my English class. XD
  8. I just burned.
    I wanna smoke again but I gotta go to work this morning and I don't want to be too high.
  9. I'm taking my third t-break since i started smoking. I am currently on day 3 :( lol
  10. this is probably going to work.

  11. <- custom avatar says it all.

    I wish I had enough $$ to blaze. Or atleast find someone that would be willing to share :(

    I attemped to smoke resin yesterday and it didn't do anything. I got like a 5 minute buzz. That doesn't count :mad:
  12. Just use your judgement. If it is going to stress you out
    about having to share then just skip it. If you smoke weed
    while stressed you'll just dwell on that issue and you'll just
    waste the high.
  13. T-breeeaaakk. I am going to take a leisurely 1 month break..and condense it into 1 week of detox/cold turkey/exercise. :)
  14. My girlfriend is living with me for a while, since her apartment was flooded and shit, but she has the worst allergies ever to any type of smoke, even hours after I hit my bong she would still sneeze like crazy, so for her sake I won't smoke until next saturday :)

    OH and I also haven't smoked since new years, so I guess i'll turn this into a semi T break too!
  15. well im gettin drug tested 28 days left to be sober :(
  16. i wish i could smoke but im on a t-break =(
  17. yea i wish i could blaze but i dont feel like driving to my dealers house its sooo cold and no heater.... but you all reminded of my resin and that shit gave me a little buzz :smoke:
  18. I'm waiting and hour and a half for my last session. Didn't want to go on a T-break so i decided to ration to about smoking 2 times a day. I guess the t-break will come anyways once my money is gone :)
  19. I wanna blaze but can't because I'm at work right now

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