The Wire

Discussion in 'Television/Internet TV/VOD/DVD' started by Mogwai, Aug 16, 2012.

  1. A lot of blades have spoken so highly of this show, even saying the quality of writing is up there with stuff like Breaking Bad, which is crazy because BB obviously has insanely good writing.

    I'm finally getting a chance to check this show out though. I've got seasons one and two right now on DVD and can get the others when I finish these.

    I'm only one episode in right now so I'm not too familiar. It feels like just another cop show right now but that's just because I'm not into the actually story yet. I did notice it seems to do a really good job depicting the ghetto drug scene though.

    I'm pretty excited to check it out. So yeah, is any one else watching this series right now? Which seasons should I look forward to the most? Does season 1 really set the atmosphere and pace for the rest of the series or does it take longer to pick up?
  2. i might start watching this.

    ive been on the fence about it, but i need something to watch besides breaking bad until Sons of Anarchy comes out.
  3. It gets pretty good in the first season. The rest of the seasons are similar but they all cover different aspects of the streets and the city. I definitely recommend it to any body who likes Breaking Bad or The sopranos or OZ.
  4. the wire is so good.
    i bought my boyfriend the series box set for his birthday, he's gonna be so stoked.
  5. i feel like the wire depicts the drug scene more real than breaking bad

    breaking bad is definitely faster paced however

    (both are fantastic shows though)
  6. My buddy spoke so highly of the show that I decided to watch it(blazed through all the seasons like a year ago)

    Some advice....The season that takes place at the Port/Harbor, most people say that this is the worst, but give it a chance. I found the characters to be somewhat annoying but they do a very good job of tying this back to the main plot.

    Don't give up, watch all seasons because it ends extremely well. Everything comes together and when you look back on the series as a whole you'll appreciate how The Wire is just one big story, not just episodes under a common name
  7. The last two seasons are the best, imo. The first season is definitely significantly slower than the rest of the show, so don't let it discourage you.
  8. Excellent series. I loved every episode. Aside from the fact that I do live in Baltimore, the series outline alot of problems the institutions that govern our lives have to deal with or create for themselves. Season 2 is a bit slow but necessary. Season 3 and 4 were my favorites.
  9. I've seen the first season and a few episodes from season 2... I found it kind of hard to get into. It seems a bit... slow and tedious. At least the bit I watched was largely focused on dialogue and there wasn't a whole lot of action.

    But I'll pick it back up and give it another try eventually, when I'm done reading this book series and get bored at night again. ;)
  10. Shit, you don't even know man... show gets insanely good around season 3. Season 4 was easily my favorite, I ended up bawling like a little baby.


    4 > 3 > 5 > 2 > 1
  11. Its been a while since I watched it but I think my favorite was season 1. Season 2 was probably my least favorite but I'm glad I kept watching because it gets better in the following seasons.
  12. 6 episodes in now. I'm digging it. I'm liking it way more than any other cops and robbers type show I've seen... then again this is the first of the type I actually liked. It's a slow pace so far thus far but the atmosphere the show sets manages to make up for any lack of action. Plus I generally care about the drama stuff more than the action stuff so it works.
  13. Glad you're digging it. We never had HBO in my house so I missed out on shows like The Wire and Oz. You get really attached to the characters in these shows
  14. Also check out a docu-series by hbo called "the corner"
  15. Seasons 3 and 4 are crazy.
  16. Best show ever imo
  17. FANTASTIC show.
    I had to watch the first episode like 3 times to figure out wtf was happening but once i was in, i was in.
    give it a chance and you won't regret it.
  18. #18 Helikaon, Aug 18, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 18, 2012
    Personally I found Season 1, 3 and 4 to be the "best". Season 1 is the best intro, but each season has a different theme. Season 1 is the core drug war, season 2 is set on the docks, season 3 is about the political and institutional corruption in Baltimore and so on. But if you're not hooked by the end of season 1 there's something wrong with you. But it's a slow burner.

    Simply put The Wire is the single most important show of the last 20 years. Game of Thrones, Walking Dead, Breaking Bad, Sons of Anarchy, Rescue Me, Burn Notice, Blue Bloods etc owe their very existence to this show.
  19. The Wire was great.. Season 2 was the worst season though.

    and Bubbles always made me feel dirty just looking at him lol.
  20. Yeah season 2 is the 'worst'. By no means is it a bad season, it's better than most shows entire runs but S1 is just so ridiculously good and you get so attached to the characters it's a little jarring to have to meet like 10 new main characters.

    Season 3 is the best season though.

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