The WickiePipe

Discussion in 'Smoking Pipes, Glass Spoon Pipes' started by figarofigaro, Jul 31, 2012.

  1. The first piece I ever bought myself was returned to me today :cool:

    See this thread:

    I've never came across anybody (even on the internet) that has bought one.

    I'm too lazy to take a real photo right now so enjoy this stock one:


    Its a bowl... with a lighter attatched... and it folds up neatly. Itl has a metal flap that closes over the bowl, so I could literally throw the pipe in my backpack and the bud wouldn't fall out. It also works beautifully to cap the hit and kill a cherry if you ever need to.

    The only downfalls:

    The lighter runs out like once every 2 weeks and needs some butane to fill it back up.

    But carrying an extra lighter around with you and hitting it when the pipe is dead is nbd.

  2. I'hv heard that you need to refill the lighter after every 5-10 hits.
  3. I own one, my wife uses it on a daily basis... I filled it at purchase... she has smoked daily and have not filled it since...

    dope pipe

    the bowl is huge... and its super convenient to have pipe and lighter in one piece... and it has a hidden storage compartment...

    i'd buy another one if this one broke
  4. #4 jtevans70, Jul 31, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 31, 2012
    I melted mine during a smoke session. The metal bowl gets too hot and melts the plastic mouth piece. Threw lighter away because fuel burned up too fast. It's cool idea though. Needs more work. I like that it even has a compartment under the pipe for stash. All in one.

  5. Damn either you got lucky or I got a defective one...

    I forgot about the storage compartment! I'd probably never use it though...

    I always thought the bowl was kind of small to be honest...
  6. That's RADICAL. :bow
  7. I heard they taste like ass and shit no matter what brand of butane you use.
  8. I've felt the heat off the bowl.... never really occurred to me it might melt the mouth piece... seeing as i've never used it more than one bowl, this might be the reason i've never gotten it hot enough to melt plastic

    I did alot of research at purchase and got some super expensive butane... it was three times what other butanes cost... i hear it was worth it... i can't taste it... I could get the name if anyone is interested... but I had to purchase a three pack, it was the only person selling it on amazon
  9. i have one! i love it! it gets hot as shit sometimes but its awesome how the lighter is part of the bowl <3
  10. Well to me... the whole Butane taste thing is a crock... I think its all in your head.

    I know this site looks shady as hell... with no sources, but its worth a read!

    Rock Sci LLC - The Butane Taste Fallacy
  11. #11 jtevans70, Aug 1, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 1, 2012
    It's a novelty piece, bro. All I can say is that somehow you lucked out. The majority of people who have used this pipe have this issue with this pipe. Including me. Yeah, I'm a medical Marijuana patient,so I do smoke more than one bowl a day but what's the logic in that I only use ”one bowl” theory. Pull plastic piece out bro, and you'll see the beginning of melt around that little O-ring rubber piece. It slowly melts down with each ”one bowl.” To understand Science behind why it melts the plastic for everyone else, is this. Take a solid brick of metal and heat it up and then put plastic on it to see how this happens. It is a nice idea but maker needs to change plastic mouth piece and metal bowl to a completely glass or something that handles heat better. It's a nice idea but made very cheap from China.

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