I have made a nice super mix (similar to sub cools ss) Contents: regular ol fruit/veggie/coffee and tea grounds waste. Roughly 5 lbs EWC (wiggle worm). 6 cups crab/lobster shell 4 cups each bone/blood/kelp meals. 4 cups diatomaceous earth 2 cups chicken eggshell (powdered). 2 cups hardwood ash (oak mostly). 4 cups High P bat guano 2-3 TBS of mycorrhizae mixed in each dug hole to be planted in. 2 TBS/Gallon dolomite lime (going to mix with peat moss first before I mix in the super compost) I am going to mix roughly 1:1:1 Compost (home made super compost) : Peat Moss : Perlite Going to mix them and let sit for a good month or so.
check with @Organic sinse on the lime per gallon, im losing my mind but think it supose to be a cup per gallon, anyway the mix sounds pretty stout with the blood and bone, dont get me wrong i use the stuff myself but that sounds a bit to much for my liking. you might also think about putting in some oat meal
whats your estimate for how much it'll make? Was thinking around 50 gallons once mixed with other bases.
something like that in mind. I have a few big blue barrels i think they 55 gal to store in im shooting around that.
I used to make compost for my raised beds and I had 3 -4'x4' bins.,I would build a pile in one.,and in a few days chop the shit out of it with a Maddock and toss it into the 2nd bin.,I did this every 3-4 days keeping the pile at approximately 160°f.,It took 30 days start to finish.,The 3rd bin was for putting stuff for the next batch into. I used rabbit and horse poop with other kinds of carbon materials.,Very nice stuff., I got my info from Rodales Complete book on Composting.,and John Jevons How to grow more veggies in less space than you ever imagined.,Great books for gardeners.,
Agreed all those amendments (that you paid good $ for) will make a fine compost, so will using household products (see Jerry Baker) & yard scraps (free). Am I a cheap mofo U bet!
Back in the day when alfalfa meal was affordable I used that. The whole point to composting imo is to get that expensive soil amendment free using stuff you would have thrown away anyhow.
this is first time using all that mess. But they all are beneficial to compost they have directions to use in compost (not much of a label reader) I want a medium that just add water the whole life. Maybe an AACT here and there but it should have all it needs. Thanks again for the advice.
Grass clippings for the greens & dried leaves for the browns, egg shells coffee grounds, any vegie rinds, orange/banana peels, old beer/booze/soda after a party, some water, flip it 3-4 x a year & U should have compost better than U can buy.
Iam trying something unique too many should try it, it's called DOING SOMETHING YOURSELF vs BUYING THE WORK OTHERS DID. Have a nice day.
The point of making compost is to feed your plants organic matter and to enrich the soil. Wether you beg,.,borrow or buy the ingredients makes no difference.,.Many don't have access to grass clipping or leaves.,or other organic waste so they need to buy some.,No big deal.,
Folks who live in the middle of the city in a 8th floor apartment who don't have a car may not find it so easy to gather enough of what's needed to make a successful pile.,know what I mean.,
It's about using what U normally throw away, it's good for the planet too. No coffee grounds, egg shells, orange/banana/onions/peppers/potato peels in an appt? YES BOTH CAN WORK. There are a shit ton of excellent rooftop gardens in Manhattan alone, so it can be done.
That's going to grow some monsters. I used to do that, lately I've been doing like nacho as I've got more than enough grass and leaves ,a big Vegys garden with lots of trimmings and 2 sons who eat a lot. I add those amendments to the finished compost when the plant asks for it specifically. I think you'd like the compost thread