The Warriors

Discussion in 'General' started by Fatt Daddy, Mar 5, 2007.

  1. Damn, that movie is sooo good. I love iit, you can't explain why u like it..u just do. I like thinking dramas/movies, but this movie involves no thinking. Its just an !action pact! visually stunning classic, it an adventure that just keeps going and going until boom its over. It really makes me feel like a kid again and that's really nice since I feel like I'm getting old. I saw the movie for the first time Saturday, I had the dvd for months since the summer and never watched it...I finally did Saturday and WOW. Right now where I'm at its 6am (already exercised and took a show/brushed my teeth), so I'm about to load a bowl smoke it up and watch the Warriors, then head out to school and still get there early..HA! PEACE GC :D
  2. :metal:hell yea! the warriors is so ill! Alot of people think its really cheesey and it is but thats like part of the movie. You shoulg check out the warriors video game, its actaully amazing. I played the story on c-op with my buddy an we would just take rips an try an beat it. it was so much fun. Games on ps2 an xbox an i think its backward compatble for 360
  3. Yeah, The Warriors is a damn good movie imo.

    I haven't seen it in forever, I'll have to rent it this weekend
  4. The Warriors was a cool movie when I saw it back in the Eighties. The Gramercy
    Riffs were the shit.
  5. "Warriors... come out to play-ee-ayyyy..."
  6. You can actually buy the game for like $20 too, the game is just as good as the movie is.

  7. Cheese is tasty some times...especially Warriors cheese!Yeah i played the xbox game with one of my homies, it was soo much fun, it reminded of back in the days when we used to chill and play streets of rage.

    Yes rent it and enjoy it again!

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