The Viability of a Cyberpunk MMO

Discussion in 'Gamer's Heartbeat' started by Beanbag, Feb 5, 2011.

  1. I have been waiting for a great (or even "good") Cyberpunk MMO for 15 years. This article by Chris Smith has a lot of content on the subject and I hope someone picks up on his ideas and runs with them.

    The Viability Of A Cyberpunk MMO « Levelcapped!

    From the article:

    The whole article is great and when a game of this sort comes around I will be up there in line to try it.

  2. Anarchy Online?
  3. Sorry but it's garbage and I played it and beta and twice more because I was bored. I'd call that more alien than cyberpunk anyway but yea at least there weren't any elves.
  4. Have you tried Global Agenda? It's a shooter-MMO, pretty cyber punkish?

  5. Thanks for the suggestion as I'm playing this one now. Probably wouldn't call this Cyberpunk, perhaps Post Nuclear and it's much more of a Planetside kind of game than an MMO but I'm enjoying it.

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