The Vatican Bank in a Laundering Scandal

Discussion in 'Politics' started by KingTut, Dec 12, 2010.

  1. Vatican Bank mired in laundering scandal - Yahoo! News

    Well they really needed this to pop up right, its not the first time this happened but with all the Chomo scandals they really didn't need this. Really shows how truly Christian the Vatican is...again.

    Don't know if this belongs in the Politics forum, and if it doesn't please move it accordingly.
  2. Is this really a shock? The catholic church and the vatican has been out of control throughout all of history. :)
  3. Thank you kind sir for dropping a bit of your knowledge on theses guys. May I please have a seedless watermelon hat to join you?
  4. it is past time that people look into the actions of the vatican and the bank of the holy see.

  5. It's limecat! :)

    I just don't understand how the catholic church is still so powerful. They robbed, stole, and killed to get everything they wanted/have. Hell they even stole obelisks from Egypt - brought them back to Rome and stuck crosses on top. They stole every piece of marble/travertine in Rome to help build the Vatican. They literally do whatever they want and people still blindly follow them. :eek:

    naw....but man is corrupt, end of story. has been, is now, always will be.
  7. The catholic chirch is an evil organization that feeds off peoples fears. They have done much worse over the years then a little money laundering. I am an atheist now, but was raised a Roman Catholic. I'm glad I got out.

  8. Oh shit thats hilarious. I couldnt stop laughin for a good minute. LIMECAT:hello: Thats great.

    I do stand corrected
  9. Jeus will forgive them for the laundering and they will go to heaven anyway..
  10. The Catholic Church is in my opinion the biggest terrorist organization in the world, so this doesn't really surprise me. However, it's pretty sick, just like everything they've been doing since their foundation :p
  11. there are no Arabs at the Vatican.. so they can't be a terrorist organization. :rolleyes:
  12. At the risk of sounding like a dumbass, is that a serious post? Cos not all terrorist organisations have Arabs in them (I know you like surely know this but I'm double checking cos I couldn't interpret the tone of that post at all:p)

  13. Do they really think the big J is going to save them....they dont even let people of his religion celebrate his own birthday.... let alone.... they selfishly killed him for their sins.... when he could have easily killed all of them for shits and giggles.... IMHO when a christian dies and gets to this "heaven" jesus come out, beats you nearly to a second death with a 9 tailed whip, nails you to a cross, and says, isnt this just a fucking blast, and leaves you.
  14. Yeah because that made a whole lots of sense :rolleyes:
  15. Does anything make sense if religion is involved...nope lol....what i was saying is, why would jesus save the christians if he ever existed and was gods son..the christians have done nothing for him....ever....infact, the christians say, if your NOT christian, you go to hell, obviously forgetting that jesus was a jew
  16. yeah i was kidding.. sorry. I'll try and refrain from making silly posts in the politics section.

    sometimes it's hard not to :)

  17. doesn't matter...

    you can commit murder, eat steak on Fridays, rape etc..

    as long as you ask nicely.. you will be forgiven.

    pretty sweet deal if you ask me.

  18. Im telling you man, thats at the gates of hell... where all the Christians are duped into thinking its heaven.... in heaven 2.0 all believers that cannabis is evil (heavy christian believers) arent allowed
  19. Actually a lot of things makes sense when religion is involved, even though people from the outside looking in can't see it. Jesus saved us all and I don't think you get that, Christians have never done anything for him because Christians didn't exist during the time of Jesus...obviously, except for the disciples. Why do we say you go to hell, well that's because it basically says that in the Bible. I don't think you understand what being Christian means, John 14:6 says: "Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." That is the reasoning, if you're not Christian, IE don't believe in Christ, you probably won't get into heaven. It doesn't matter if Jesus was a Jew or not, that actually means nothing and has no point in the argument. Everybody knows this, believing Jesus is the requirement of being Christian, and if you aren't Christian then I'm sorry but its going to be that much harder getting into heaven.

    Also please don't lump all Christians together, we aren't all the same. Especially Catholics, man I hate them, I'm actually non-denominational so its up to me to define what I believe and what I don't.
  20. No need to apologise, I just wanted to make certain, after all, you never know. I'm not comparing you to Sarah Palin, but she is in real politics and thought Africa was a country, and this is just grass city's humble section of the very same:D

    PS And to make my first on topic comment, this is a fucking outrage! But then, as my Dad said when I told him, "It is the Vatican..."

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