So I've pretty much been stuck on oils, amber glass, and other concentrates for the last 3 months. There's just nothing quite like it. Wanted to see how many people around the world know about the Vapor Globe and the Vapor Skillet. They are different, yet similar devices for smoking oils and extracts. There are a couple videos up on youtube. Vapor Globe [ame=""]YouTube- Vapor Dome with Lux Mini[/ame] Vapor Skillet/Swing [ame=""]YouTube- New Fumed vapor swing in action, W/ bubbbamouf[/ame] I'm gonna go take a hit of one of these right quick. I'll be back.
I just changed it from code to embedded video...sorry bout that guys. I'm a little stoned off of the globe right now
Also, I know many people are always wondering how to make oils and extracts. Here is a simple method that if followed correctly will only cost about $2.50 + the cost of the product you are putting in. 1. One or two oz of FINELY GROUND trim. (This step requires a COFFEE GRINDER as well) 2. Isopropyl Alcohol (91% or higher, 99% yields the purest possible form of isopropyl extracts) 3. An electric stove (alcohol is mighty flammable, so this is MIGHTY IMPORTANT!) 4. A paper clip 5. A pot 6. A plate (high temperature safe) 7. A Mason Jar 8. Large Coffee Filter 9. Water So heres how it goes. 1. Grind cannabis or trim into a fine powder using a cheap at home coffee grinder (one of those ones with a dome-top that kinda looks like a bullet) and place the trim inside of a mason jar. (The size of the plate and mason jar can differ depending on how much cannabis one uses and therefore howmuch alcohol must be evaporated off). 1.1 Start the water boiling and place the plate on top of the pot. (Good to find a plate that fits exactly so there is good heat dispersion). 2. Add enough Isopropyl to fully saturate all the trim and about 100% extra (So double saturation, just to make sure). 3. Shake vigorously for 5 minutes. (This parts a bitch because i mean shake the hell out of that mason jar. Probably good to have a friend and trade off). 4. After 5 minutes pour solution into coffee filter being held above plate (probably by a friend). 5. Allow for all the alcohol to drip through and squeeze out remains. (This part is tricky. Careful not to get any plant matter in there...nobody likes planty hash!) 6. Allow for the alcohol and hash to heat and evaporate. Maybe walk away from the stove for a bit. Alcohol fumes are no good. Be Careful. 7. When the hash is reaching its final stages, it will bubble. More or less depending on the percentage alcohol. The higher proof, the less bubbles. 8. Stir the resin with the end of a paper clip to pop bubbles. Continue to do so as the alcohol evaporates from the solution. 9. In the end there will be very few to no bubbles and the solution will be thick and black. 10. Remove from heat and let set for 5-20 min. (To cool a little). 11. Scrape off oil with a razor...ENJOY! Voila! About 3.5g of oil for an ounce of trim and about 3 bucks! This oil is good to smoke, super sticky and gooey like earwax. Its GREAT to cook with as well. Blends into milk and butter very well. Good taste too. Here are some pics...there are some pics on my grow journal as well of one batch I made last night with 99% and the one plate looks like a ninja turtle one way and a mushroom or nuke the other way. I thought it was kinda neat.
ALSO BTW, in regards to the method. 99% definitely works best for smokeable oil and the 91% is great for cooking. AND you can use schwag, mids, trim, shake, buds or long as there is thc it will extract it....the more thc the better obviously, but ya.