After reading on the net, there seems to be a lit of negativity regarding this piece of kit, so I want the world to know how good it is! The first couple of times I used it, I made it way too hot, and so burnt my weed, wasting most of the vape. Once I got the technique down, it is so good. I only use a tiny bit a day (a joints worth of weed easily lasts me a day!) and I am so baked all day. I have also noticed a difference in high; I still feel high, but I want to do things instead of just sitting around. Another plus side is that usually when I have a heavy weed session, the next day I feel kind of tired and can't be arsed to do anything, whereas the day after heavy vaping, I feel normal. I love my vapbong! Haha
glad your happy with it i think the first time you use any vape its trial and error purposes so you can get the method done. anyway you can take a video of this? like to see it in action
My friend has that same vaporiser, it is so nice! I especially like the remote control and the bags when full are ace! I can do a video tomorrow night when I get back to it.