The value of strain names

Discussion in 'General' started by chaospez, Nov 28, 2009.

  1. I have seen alot of posts here and elsewhere that seem to disregard the value of strain names. Most of these amount to if it's good weed it's good weed who cares what you call it. I do not diagreee with this view, knowing what strain you are puffing on does not enahnce the THC content or improve the herb but I would not disregard strain names as useless. I think strain names are a sort of oral tradition in pot. The strains become our myths and legends passed down from growroom to growroom. As an example if you search around for the origin of trainwreck it is supposed to be in the 60's in Arcata. It's name comes from a trainwreck near town during the first crop. Thus may not be valuabe info but as a stoner I like to know where my stuff came from and the story behind it. Smoking is an act of connection. It allows you to explore your connections to people, yourself, and the plant. knowing the strain and the history behind it enhances the connection with the plant. It is like knowing the past of a buddy you hang out with.:smoking:

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