I know this has been made before, but i cant't find the thread so i decided to post it again. so: ^= answer the person above you's statement. (true or false) <= write something about yourself v= write something about the person who will post after you. ^does not exist < is smoking his last cigg for the night. followed by another few bowls. v has smoked today
gonna post again to get it going. ^i am not in college. <should be asleep too. v does not know how to make an arrow facing down
^ bout to smoke a bowl got no papers with me < jsut restrung his guitar v is high shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
^Nope, all of my professors decided to make all my exams and projects due this week. <just ate a nuclear hot frozen center microwaved pizza v is hungry
^ a little bit! but it's 2:30 am so i'll wait it out < is on day 73 of a weed break and would really like to be done already! v owns a bong
^ owned one. it died many years ago < binge smoked too much lately V had put on weight since last year
^ surprisingly true. good guess <has been really into rollin j's latley. got a roller. rolls beuatifully v is taking a shit
^ just sittin on my chair, not the toilet ;p < i love smokin by myself lol v has a blue bic lighter. (ew if i'm right ill piss myself)
^i have a black and red one right now on my desk < just went to basement to smoke a bowl and came back to room but before i did, made a stop at the kitchen. v plays cod
^ used to alot. Ive been drifting away from video games... been gaining weight that i previously lost >:/ < is very tired and cannot sleep. v will not post for a while because my threads die out quickly
^ Think this is quick enough! < Just smoked a bowl, watched movies, and destroyed a bag of zaro's popcorn v Is waitin for the delivery boy to bring the munchy food!
^ Happens a lot but not today. Cooked congee and having cheetos < is contemplating if it would be a good idea to smoke v is using a vape as main toking tool