The US military and suicide bombers

Discussion in 'General' started by spudman78, Jun 13, 2011.

  1. So the US military, which has access to far more advanced technology than middle eastern countries view strapping a bomb to yourself and being a suicide bomber as immoral, but we continue to drop bombs on the middle east from 3000+ feet in the air and that's considered fine? Praised even? Seems to me to be more like the same thing, but just different.
  2. I don't catch you on this one(might be the incredible high i have atm).
  3. dont complain! at least your safe and have an amazing life compared to other countries.

    (Former US Army Cavalry)
  5. IM just saying the double standard, its ok for us to drop bombs on people that cant fight back, but its evil for them to strap bombs to themselves and kill people who are unexpecting and cannot fight back?
  6. hmmm.. your kind of on to something, however you cant really compare suicide terrisom and war. despite what alot of people think, the US military is in the middle east doing a job and there job is to drop bombs, sucks but tru. I dont support it so that why I understand what your getting at.

  7. Stealth bombers? 2,000 pound bombs?
  8. That's the United States government for ya.

    Glad I don't live there anymore :D.

  9. dude, dont you see they are trying to brainwash us? my advice, read lupe fiasco's latest tweets and that will explain a lot.
  10. usa>canada
  11. We try to minimize civilian casualties by using intelligence to target specific buildings/areas.

    Suicide bombers goal is to kill as many civilians as possible.

  12. Lol enjoy paying 60 bucks for an eigth, i'll be down here buying good shit for 25 bucks

  13. lmfao, life isnt just about weed. america has soooo many more opportunities than canada.
  14. You know 90% of casualties in the war in Iraq is Civilian deaths. - Source is "War made easy" documentary
  15. That would make too much sense. You wouldn't understand
  16. strapping a bomb to your self with the intention of killing innocence people ≠ dropping bombs with the intention of killing terrorists.

  17. There were suicide bombers that attacked Pearl Harbor that didn't try to injure 'civilian's, but just destroy ships.

    These muslim fucks are the ones targeting civilians, and we are trying to rid the earth of them.
  18. How many of those can be attributed to the US military and how many are from them killing each other?
  19. Suree, i've lived in both countrys and they both have their ups and downs. Canada is like a utopia of beautiful land, good weed, sexy woman and good rap.
  20. But we have to win! USA, USA, USA USA!!

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