~The Unofficial Wisdom Quotes Wanted Thread – Roast a Bowl and Post a Quote~

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by AK Infinity, Sep 18, 2006.

  1. "Common knowledge is that of which is not known to me. Not because it is I who is not knowledgeable, but because it is I who seeks establishing meaning to the unknown. While commonality is unified and altruistic; commonality can surely be unrefined, purely fictitious even. Commonality is simply popular majority. Choose uniqueness, question clarity of outright commonality. We are the same only because we can. We can so we are and being is surely common between each and all. Wonderful more than anything though is that we may determine, we may be free willed. Until that is, we live out our days and truth beholds that yes we are all common in this way: We all must die some day. Cherish this gift of life on this earth, determine your worth, until it is no longer your choice to determine anymore and greater power than all settles the score. Make peace and lessen the burden upon your remaining days. All are worthy of this forgiveness, but first and foremost those that seek forgiving must forgive themselves. Conquer fears, empty the tears. Faithfull courage will reward you abundantly. Yes you can call me a preacher, thats okay you see. Cause preaching is only referred to as preaching cause involved are listeners who either choose to believe or not believe enthusiastically or elsewise, discretion is advised by the listeners when a preacher speaks. Preachers I belif are extra unique, noble and even alien of sort. All of which I consider admirable characteristics. Preachers even forget to speak with proper grammar. May jump from one subject to the next. Though a preacher......
    ..does what they do best and captivates an audience.
    Religion although is not subject of dicussion. Therefore I will withold that sensitive material.
    This is an ignorant free zone.
    I do not tolerate excuses.
    I do encourage collective discussion and debate.

    I did mention that grammar may be incorrect. Well to clarify, meaning of which is that writing can be random, incomplete, run_on, or a combination there of. Im hopeful not to bore. What is in store for future posts i do not know. Please feel free yourself to spark further discussion. I do love some inspiration for continuation.

    Yours truly,

  2. "There's a difference between pain and suffering. Pain is in the body. Suffering is in the mind and it feels infinite. So maybe the key is to feel your pain and learn from it. And some day your suffering might disappear." ~Charlie from Saving Hope
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  3. "Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising everytime we fall." ~CONFUCIOUS
  4. it is was it is and can maybe be, but because we are free what may be may never be or may may become or is it we that overcome even the most convoluted notion seemingly or is this only flaunting commotion? I say we can achieve just about anything with devotion. I say we can achieve just about anything with devotion. We are the chosen.
  5. Love this one.

  6. Don't fall in love, Instead..

    Rise in Love.
  7. "Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit, wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad."

    - Miles Kington
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  8. One of the most influential and intelligent person ever R.I.P

    Attached Files:

  9. In the Macrocosm, you are just one person. In the Microcosm, you are your own god.

  10. just because your paranoid, it don't mean there not out for you- kurt cobain
  11. Someone had best beat me to the Marcus Aurelius party, or we're all in trouble


    The Rickson Gracie of political meta-thinking
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  12. #3493 Wisdom Tooth, Mar 18, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2016
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  13. "Cocaine is a hell of a drug"
    -Rick James
  14. “To avoid criticism say nothing, do nothing, be nothing.”

    - Aristotle
  15. “We seldom realize, for example that our most private thoughts and emotions are not actually our own. For we think in terms of languages and images which we did not invent, but which were given to us by our society.”
  16. "it's easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to ask for permission"

  17. "It is paradoxical, yet true, to say, that the more we know, the more ignorant we become in the absolute sense, for it is only through enlightenment that we become conscious of our limitations. Precisely one of the most gratifying results of intellectual evolution is the continuous opening up of new and greater prospects. "
    - Nikola Tesla
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