The Unofficial Pet Thread (Lizards, Cats, Fish, Dogs, Children)

Discussion in 'General' started by Guadalope, Jan 29, 2011.

  1. Alright Blades....There is no Pet Section or Pet Post Thing... so I made one..

    Post pics of your pets, what kind of animal it is, names, stories of your pets, crazy shit your pets have done; which would probably be a story... Just post Pet shit, not literally, you get the IDEA!


    I'll have my Bearded Dragons posted up soon, gotta take some pics, then upload em'. They're in a ghetto ass tank, just a tank with something for them to sit on atm, nothing fancy, but soon they're getting a 6ft by 3ft deebo ass Lizard Tank. Big Ballin'.

    I got some videos I'll upload from when I first got em, mad funny shit listening to my dysfunctional ass brother/cousin/me... hah rofl



    I know I'm not the only one whose interested in what pets we got on GC. I also know I'm not the only Animal Lover....

    So lets see some goddamn PETS.
  2. #2 Guadalope, Jan 29, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 29, 2011
    My Bearded Dragon, and my Bro's:

    Mine (ATM her name is Godzilla):
    Godzilla + Mike Tyson
    My Brother's name is Mike Tyson (female as well)
    My Mom's it's pretty much Ours, she doesn't live with us. No name yet.

    My cuz'/Bro arguing... funny shit... to me atleast
    My Sexy Dragon getting her Chomp on
    1 sec clip of Godzilla/Mike Tyson
    (one more video to upload, his fucking hilarious... Gotta listen to me/my bro/my cousin argue and shit)
  3. #3 AbydeBySolace, Jan 29, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 29, 2011
    I've yet to catch the male when he's flaring.
  4. I have a snake

    In my pants
  5. Haha do kids go in the same category as pets these days?

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