First off, I don't know why we go around bragging that The United States has never been invaded when during the war of 1812 English troops marched from Canada to the white house and set it on fire after our failed invasion of Canada. Second, Do you think The United States has another chance of having a foreign army march on its soil? It's the general way most nations are "destroyed" and The US is in a strong position within the world. Or will it be the US citizens that attempts to bring down their government? What's your opinions?
Ive always thought about it. The only way I see iy happening is if Mexico or Canada get so pissed at us that they secretly let some army in so they can cross the border. Even then technology is so advanced wed see it coming from miles away with satellites. Plus I think they would just send icbms first before they tried to invade us anyway.
Too many people own guns in America. Everyone would be shooting the bejeesus out of any troops that invade our cities
[quote name='"Danonymous"']Too many people own guns in America. Everyone would be shooting the bejeesus out of any troops that invade our cities[/quote] That's true. But the middle east is littered with AK47's. They are $50 and less in those locations. I live in NY and I'm having difficulty buying a damn .22 rifle.
Nah i don't think so, Americas are so paranoid when it comes to self defense and they seriously seem to think everyone's out to get them and there country. In reality guys your government has been invaded, your government can now legally assassinate and detain citizens indefinitly. That's what you need to be worrying about, your government is your enemy. They keep you occupied and thinking the enemy is the middle east but really it's your own government .
If you're in nyc its pretty much impossible to get a pistol permit. Ny state is getting a lot tougher but good fucking luck in the city. You have to be a cop or blowing one.
[quote name='"HBGBUB"']If you're in nyc its pretty much impossible to get a pistol permit. Ny state is getting a lot tougher but good fucking luck in the city. You have to be a cop or blowing one.[/quote] Im not in the city but not upstate either. Out on LI. There are local gun shops but they charge $1000+ for most rifles.
[quote name='"Skunky Monkey"']Nah i don't think so, Americas are so paranoid when it comes to self defense and they seriously seem to think everyone's out to get them and there country. In reality guys your government has been invaded, your government can now legally assassinate and detain citizens indefinitly. That's what you need to be worrying about, your government is your enemy. They keep you occupied and thinking the enemy is the middle east but really it's your own government . [/quote] Yeah that bill goes into affect this year. I'm aware of the situation and the realization of what's ahead of me as far as martial law and the US detaining it's citizens. Every true US citizen will have a duty to serve the Constitution and protect it. I rather live in chaos then be told how to live my life more and more.
What? Wow that's pretty steep dude. You should go to a gun show if you really want a gun. They're cheaper there if there are any of them around you. I'm up by Rochester and we have one every so often
[quote name='"Skunky Monkey"']Nah i don't think so, Americas are so paranoid when it comes to self defense and they seriously seem to think everyone's out to get them and there country. In reality guys your government has been invaded, your government can now legally assassinate and detain citizens indefinitly. That's what you need to be worrying about, your government is your enemy. They keep you occupied and thinking the enemy is the middle east but really it's your own government . [/quote] Well I'm gonna not worry about it wanna know why? I'm gonna tell you cause regardless of if that law is in place I still have to go to work every day. I still have to pay my bills and taxes. That's never gonna change. Chances are I'm never gonna be arrested for being a terrorists and neither are the millions of people bitching about it. Just go about your life and if you don't do anything illegal you don't have shit to worry about. (please don't give me the smoking weed is illegal line, im aware of that and you know what I mean)
[quote name='"Skunky Monkey"'] Just using that as an example to show that your government isn't on your side. [/quote] They never have been how is this law any different haha?
[quote name='"HBGBUB"']What? Wow that's pretty steep dude. You should go to a gun show if you really want a gun. They're cheaper there if there are any of them around you. I'm up by Rochester and we have one every so often[/quote] Just looked it up. There is a Long Island gun show next weekend. I'll be there lol.
[quote name='"HBGBUB"'] Well I'm gonna not worry about it wanna know why? I'm gonna tell you cause regardless of if that law is in place I still have to go to work every day. I still have to pay my bills and taxes. That's never gonna change. Chances are I'm never gonna be arrested for being a terrorists and neither are the millions of people bitching about it. Just go about your life and if you don't do anything illegal you don't have shit to worry about. (please don't give me the smoking weed is illegal line, im aware of that and you know what I mean)[/quote] Do you own a weapon with weatherproof ammunition? Do you ever have more than 7days of food in your house? (and who decides what 7days of food is?) Have you lost a finger? If so the government could label you a terrorist.
If we were invaded and placed under the yoke of our conquering enemy, would we really notice a difference? [ame=]Misfits - Kelly: "Fucking Nazis" - YouTube[/ame]
[quote name='"Flemian"'] Do you own a weapon with weatherproof ammunition? Do you ever have more than 7days of food in your house? (and who decides what 7days of food is?) Have you lost a finger? If so the government could label you a terrorist.[/quote] I own no weapons besides my pocket knife. If anybody can survive for 7 days on the food I have at my house then they're used to being hungry cause I really need to go shopping haha. I also have all my fingers. I'm not a terrorist and ill never be mistaken for one haha I'm glad I helped you with the gun show thing. They're pretty cool I like to walk around and just see the cool shit people are selling.