The United States & Canada No Longer Exist

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Shauneh, Feb 10, 2011.

  1. #1 Shauneh, Feb 10, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 10, 2011
  2. Based on the other stories on that site, I wanna say it's fake. But you never know these days.
  3. :rolleyes: Gee a realitively major event that all the rest of the media world somehow overlooked. Conspiracy, I tell ye. :devious::cool::smoke:
  4. This has been coming for awhile, but there's little to no backlash due to the media and numerous people who are just well plainly disinterested in Canadian politics to pay much attetion to it. Most of us seem to be okay with the status quo, and most politics if any mentioned in the media that causes any sort of patriotic feelings always has to deal with the Bloc, there an amazing distraction. Sadly though, Canadians may feel that were "better" or "different" than Americans but in the end a good 80% atleast are just mindless sheep when things of importance happen.

    Personally, though when it was first revealed on the news I looked at my gf (who dosent give two sh*ts about politics) and I told her that its the start of the end of the two sepearte countries, and that was even before I read the above posted link today.

    Really though its more than likely just the ground work for something to come, not many people from both countries would want the countries to merge and become one or follow the way of the one state idea of the EU, but then again all it takes is one major "disaster" and the idea that one country would fail without the other to prop it up, and suddenly to the majority it may not seem so bad to give up ones sovernity to save the lives of many.
  5. News :: The Northern Light Newspaper for Blaine and Birch Bay WA

    Jesus Fucking Christ. I'm not all too sure of what this all means but it can't be good. Get ready to lube your assholes guys, because the NWO has arrived and it's coming through the backdoor!!!!!:eek:

    Fuck this shit how much more has to go on before we uprise and uproot this government?

    I am officially calling to revolt!

    [ame=]YouTube - Benefit-call of revolt[/ame]
  6. Does that mean its going to be easier to get weed from Canada?
  7. Sadly in today's world if you want news you have to look it up yourself because the TV sure isn't going to inform you.

    [ame=]YouTube - Revolution(wake up) - Payday Monsanto f/AMPKILLA[/ame]
  8. It means this is the beginning of a new nation. Next will be mexico, either through force or a tactic like this.

    Very true. I find it difficult to find any truth out there, even on the internet.
  9. Im guessing its going to make it harder. The USA has been pressuring Canada to make tougher marijuana laws.
  10. Since this is all a ruse by corporations to expand their control of public funds, I wouldn't be surprised if Canadian prohibition was expanded to protect their interests.

    Do any of these corporations want to eliminate competition? Canadian Council of Chief Executives :: Members
  11. Well its time to abolish the states all together.
  12. That is the worst idea I have ever heard ever
  13. You dont follow politics much do you? :eek:
  14. We want jobs, We need jobs.
    Oh chit, Obama did something to improve the opportunity for American exports and to create jobs.

    Panic Obama creates one Nation out of two.

    Come on. ya'all are getting silly.

    We also improved trade agreements with nations overseas, Ah I get it NWO. :rolleyes: :cool:
  15. Centralization of power, anti-competitive regulations, cartelization...

    All bad ideas.
  16. nah, you have cali you don't need our weed
  17. wait wait wait this isnt real is it?
  18. Yup, that is why we need to keep an eye on regulatory actions and insure that taxes are actually paid.

  19. Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely, so let's give a few men absolute power and "keep an eye" on them? Ya, I don't buy that.

    Competition is our friend.

  20. What? You don't like competition? You favor big brother?

    Oh dear....

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