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The Union: The Business of Getting High

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by RaoulDuke402, Jan 20, 2010.

  1. Seen this and other movies on this great community we have here and watched it. Amazing and depressing at the same time. As much as I love pot, obviously I do, after watching I fear that the stigma will never change and it will never really be legalized and accepted, at least in my lifetime. That being said, I think were making head way and getting closer. I want to contribute to the legalization, but I represent "the average joe". I've been lighting up since freshman year and now, at 25, I have a nine to five and support my wife and two kids. How can I manage to do that as a pot head? You all know the answer to that, but I have a want and need now to explain that to everyone against herb. So, anyone have any highdeas(shameless website plug) how I can contribute? Write my congressman? Already have. Protest to my local establishment? I live in small town America and that would only paint a bullseye on my chest. So what are you doing to get this legalized? What can I do? Anyway, just wanted to comment on a great and insightful flick. Happy high everyone. :smoking:
  2. check the Medical thread out also Marijuana Law Reform - NORML... as for the stigma, it will pass it's been illegal only for about 45/3000 years
  3. #3 RepentYeNbelievethegospel, Jan 20, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2010
    Dont think that way, Stay positive man. Always look to give us of the Cannabis community a good name. Do your best to be a good person, be responsible with it, and BE CAREFUL and avoid trouble with the law or other authoritative figures.

    I felt the same way after watching it the first time, then I got addicted to learning everything I possibly could about this wonderful herb and the politics behind it.
    Just try your best to educate the people around you, help to EXPOSE the truth of goverment and stigmas among todays society. Dont label yourself as a "pothead" or anything. You can function just as well as any other fully functioning human being.
    Get invloved and support as many groups and organizations as possible. Get out there with a will to learn and help others learn, and how to find out how you+others can help out or contribute to a greater cause.

    If you really want to 'stick it to the man' then dont support things like alcohol and cigarettes, whose owners and corporations help fund prohibition. Think of cannabis as a medicine, much safer then even Aspirin.

    And if you need something to cheer you up, go and buy one of the latest issues of High Times magazine,
    "Support for lgealization is growing.
    Recent polls show over 43% of Americans support the taxation and regulation of marijuana..."
  4. Keep informing yourself, keep writing to your politicians, and wait.

    Washington and California are getting closer and 15 states (including these two) are either openly discussing legalization or actually have bills being debated.

    As soon as one state goes, more will follow. If the time comes for your state to petition for a legalization initiative, then be sure to volunteer to collect signatures.

    Grass City also has an entire section dedicated to Legalization, btw.
  5. Haha, should have seen that by now.

  6. This movie was fantastic. After watching it I want to discuss and debate with everybody I know because I have legitimate reasons to back up my hobby. Before it was just because I liked it and it made me feel good. Now I can use logic to backup my argument.
  7. within the next 10 years i feel alot of the states will have mmj and itll be decriminalized, seeing as jersey just hopped on board.
  8. This movie is great. I forced my parents to watch it and I think it really gave them some insight and more understanding of the matter. They used to be stoners back in the day, and this movie helped let the stoner inside them shine!
  9. i was someone who was always against mj from high school to early college.. i found out my brother smoked last year, stumbled on this movie on netflix and now have been dabbling w/ mj and seeing how it works for me

  10. Youre pretty much awesome then. If only more people could be like you
  11. For real bro?
  12. which states just curious? mostly the ones who have mmj i take it?

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