The Union on national T.V.

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by husker92, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. Anybody else think a lot of us should try and raise money to get The Union: The Business Behind Getting High shown on a large network to get your average joe to hear more about marijuana?
  2. 'raise money'
  3. #3 ReallyRed, Feb 2, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 2, 2011
    it's a very good idea but i doubt any network (aside from any public access station) would allow it unless we were able to raise more than a couple million.

    in all reality, the way i see it the better way to do so would be to get it going viral and have screening cycles in as many major cities as possible. get some buzz going for the whole thing so that people's interest is piqued... get the name of the movie on their tongues and people talking about it... then, sooner or later people will start looking into it more than just talking about it and more and more people will end up seeing it.

    and if you have a facebook or other social networking hub, spamming your page with it isn't a bad idea (though, not every day... maybe once every few months... just so people don't block you because of spam.)

    i'm sure the guys that did the documentary wouldn't mind getting some additional coin for licensing to have it shown in festivals and other screenings either.
  4. Ummmm, money would not get it done. The gov't owns every TV network, and as long as their view on MJ is what it is, they would not just allow it to be aired. Trace every network to the very top. A total blur of who is who, who is working for the gov't who is not, and it changes constantly.
  5. Don't know if I agree with you here.

    Some of the monkey shit being thrown on TV these days you would have a hard time getting a station programmer to admit to, let alone the Government. You act like you've never seen a single pro-MJ/MMJ program on TV before. The Government doesn't censor to that degree(yet).

    Besides, Ted Turner (CNN, TNT, WTBS, MGM/UA, etc, etc.) owns some pretty major networks, and he is also a fellow cannabis enthusiast. If HE doesn't feel that airing it would garner enough impact, then I seriously doubt we're going to convince anyone else.

  6. Ya there are a bunch of better ideas than the one i put down, it really just needs to be seen by more people from what I see. I didn't even know about it till this year, so I can't imagine that many people that don't smoke really know anything about it.
  7. the union is free on google videos for anyone with a computer and a internet connection. if you want to show it to people simply direct them to google it is very simple :smoke:
  8. They already have documentaries on tv. How many do you need
  9. The possibility is slim to none, but the out come would be opened eyes.

  10. The problem with that is that it is such a narrow audience. I've told dozens of people to watch it, and I'm pretty sure none of them have. Having the extremely huge audience that Tv has would create exponentially more exposure than a bunch of stoners telling their friends to check out a grainy google video.

  11. Exactly why I had the idea in the first place.
  12. yea national TV would be amazing but it would require a LOT of money. Getting everyone on GC to post it up on their facebook is a more realistic idea.
  13. You can also stream it on Netflix right now. (Last time I checked it was stream-able)

    The T.V. idea is good but I don't see it happening, the facebook spam isn't a bad idea (in moderation of course.) and I think the screenings are a great idea too.
  14. I watched it on Showtimes or Starz in my dorm
  15. I would be satisfied if they would at least show it on the Documentary channel. It is, after all, a documentary. At least a lot of Directv customers would see it. That's a lot o' frickin' people, too. :smoke:
    Other satellite companies may have that channel too. I don't know, I just know that Directv carries it. Would be nice. I wonder if there's a way we could try to make that happen? Get the Documentary ch. to air The Union, I mean. I bet it would be cheaper than any other channel to get. A lot of the documentaries they show are really, really low budget. The Union is high budget compared to most of them. If the ones who financially supported the making of the Union could afford that, they should be able to afford to buy a time slot on the Doc channel, I would think. Hell, for that matter, Ted Turner should be airing it on one of his many networks. He supports the legalization movement. Why do you think all the A&E documentaries about cannabis are usually quite 4:20 friendly? :smoke:

  16. Yes, yes it is. I watched it for the third time because I found it on there.
  17. How many?

    Enough to make NORML go out of business. ;)
  18. lets just give a joint to everybody in the states lol see how they like it ;)
  19. A subject such as this could garner a giant audience... Not just stoners or people who have tried Cannabis, but critics and politicians too.

    But airing something like this definitely would not be a good move for the Government, whom you should know pulls the strings on the National Media Outlet Giants.

    If it did air, it would almost certainly air on HBO or a similiar station that doesn't have to conform to the strict guidelines of the FCC.
  20. American Drug War: The Last White Hope!! I have this in my favs list on YouTube. I can't believe I forgot about this documentary, as I'm guessing a lot of you all did too. This one was picked up by Showtime, and it's really good too. I think it ranks right up there with the Union. Here's the link to see it in its entirety, in case some of you haven't seen it, or just want to see it again. It's a little over two hours long. I suggest you smoke first. ;)
    [ame=]YouTube - American Drug War: The Last White Hope: Pre Release Cut[/ame]

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