Excuse me modern day explorer, But do not tell me a lie. Will you not but destroy Every hope in the sky? Please, please, tell me you won't. I ask with propriety, As I hope for answers In a hopeless society. Mankind dwindles downwards, Like a spiraling staircase Leading to the gates of hell. So please tell me of a new place. Some say our planet will collapse. End with natures reconstruction. But I ask, how can we end naturally? When man caused our destruction. Will a new planet - Mark a new age of man? Or will it fall to higher powers Searching for an escape plan? Please, our petty planet Has gone to waste! Earths time glass is on its last grain. I beg of you to act with haste! So I ask you. Will this planet be our Holy Grail? Or will you abuse your powers, As we find another chance to fail? Tell me what you think