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The truth about stems?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by m3t4lm4n222, Jan 27, 2011.

  1. #1 m3t4lm4n222, Jan 27, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2011
    Well...I have been smoking daily for a little over a month and I have to quit smoking in my house soon. (I also plan to quit altogether at some point until I manage to get my license, I need to prioritize) Anyways, I collected my stems and I either need to use them or get rid of them. Now heres my question..Should I smoke them? I never really could figure out the truth about stems. Some people say they give you headaches, some say "Smoke them whatever" but whats the truth? I don't have quite enough to make tea.

    I don't have any seeds, i've never had seeds.
  2. Stem Tea (Twig Tea) -
    I plan on trying it when I get a good enough amount of stems. :smoke:

    Edit: Whoops, didn't read that you didn't have enough. Smoke them if you have only a few.
  3. Smoking stems will not be pleasant in general, its much harsher than smoking bud. IMO stems are better to make oil/hash/edibles out of but they do have a bit of THC content so if you really want to smoke them go for it you will probably get high.
  4. Stems do have some small amounts of thc on them, but not enough to get you some sort of buzz. Stems are quite woody and i cannot imagine them burning, smoking, or tasting well at all..we collect stems and usually do a qwiso run with them, but im sure youll be able to make tea with any amount, obviously the more the more potent the tea...
  5. I Vaporize stems. I wouldn't ever smoke them though.
  6. You can smoke em, but you mine as well smoke a stick or something cause it probably doesn't do much.

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