The truth about school..?

Discussion in 'General' started by Smokey420, Mar 16, 2009.

  1. Alright dont take me as an idiot, i was just thinking about this and it makes sense to me in a way. Do you think school instead of making us smarter, really just makes us dumber? I mean does our government really want us being all that smart in the first place? Well here's what got me thinking about it. We learn math, which all math isn't hard but getting into really complicated maths can be fucking insane. First of all, when are you going to use this? What is really the point? After taking a hard test feeling completely exhauseted, i feel like i lose brain cells just thinking that hard about shit. In my class i went to the teacher said "Well since you guys are probably all feel brain dead right now, we're going to take it easy today" I mean really, does thinking about things we dont need like trigonomotry really make us smarter? Or stupider in a much different way
  2. it should be very apparent that the govt has no interest in making the new generation smarter after the no child left behind act.
  3. who the fuck invented school?
    lets go beat them up!
  4. i dont know if i agree with you on making you dumber
    but i dont like how school focuses on improving your intelligence instead of also improving your creativity
    and i mean sure there's music classes and art but they dont teach you to think outside of the box
    i'm from a little hick town so i dont know if this is the same for big city schools
    but we didnt have shit for classes that expanded the creativity of the mind
    they prepare us for our future yeah but only to get a good job and be successful
    they want you to think your not shit unless you have an education and a good job
    i never once was tought in school that happiness doesnt involve being rich and famous!
  5. This kind of statement is partially what gives us pot-smokers a bad name. Think about what dip-shits we'd be without school. School is entirely necessary for even basic jobs like counting out change for someone buying a Big Mac. More advanced mathematics allows people to become engineers, whether it be aerospace engineers for our air force or for intercontinental travel, mechanical engineers to build the bridges that are a necessary part of life in some areas. Etc etc etc. You cant possibly have been serious when you wrote this post...

    Indica Kid
  6. Your right, i hear you on that but thats basic shit. Counting change for a big mac, maybe if people weren't so stupid nobody would be eating big mac's. Whens the last time there was a famous genius like Albert Einstein?
  7. Public schools are crap. I spent 13 years of my life in one, waiting for the day I would be able to get a piece of paper stating that I completed the governments required bs. People in public schools are forced to learn at the rate of the slowest children in the class, thus making children bored of learning. I believe that the school systems should be private completely, with competition for top schools. A lot of people may flame "How can the poor afford to go to school then?". My answer to this is actually teach the students. These children can learn alot from exposure to the outside world. Give them a job in a field they may be interested in, such as creating furniture to fund the school for children who enjoy shop class. You may also wonder about science slanted children. If you teach PROJECT MANAGEMENT to them then turn them loose without the restraint of Retard Bob holding them back then they may be able to apply for grants (I would prefer from private institutions rather than the gov't.) for research in fields that people are already working in.
    As for children who are not as bright as others I believe it is imperative to teach them how to be self supportive in the best of their capacity.
    But I digress, yes, I know the public school system is total crap.
  8. I don't know when the most recent "big breakthrough" was but if you think about it, everybody who studies quantum physics in college is as smart as Albert Einstein, although they might not have as much ingenuity when it comes to discovering new scientific breakthroughs.

    I definitely don't think public schools are run as well as they could be, but I also don't think today's kids have the motivation that they should. A good education opens up so many opportunities that you just don't have w/o it. IMO

    Indica Kid
  9. i'm very anti school. I have my reasons but i know a ton of ppl on here are college kids so i'm going to keep my mouth shut.
  10. Nah I'm interested man, lets hear them. But be sure to specify whether or not these reasons just apply to your life or if you feel that they apply to everyone. Because I think that the vast majority of people have more opportunity in life with a college education.

    Indica Kid
  11. Schools definitely dont make you dumber. They may overemphasize things that arent as important and not allocate enough resources to things that are important but coming from someone who is about to graduate from a University I know more about how the world works and have a better understanding of society from going to school. It builds character, work ethic, social skills and helps you become more independant.

    The real truth is that everyone is responsible for they're own intellectual growth. You have to want to learn and expand your mind in order for it to happen. School prvoides you with the information but without working to understand the world all the teaching is irrelevant. We live in a world where all of the information we seek is available at our fingertips so you just have to know how to get the information you need and be able to communicate/utilize that informaiton to solve problems.
  12. #12 pmurph, Mar 16, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2009
    Yo I'm a college kid, so I'm interested to hear it.

    This is what I've learned in college: Life sucks. I'm really fucking lucky I could get loans for school. I got a little extra so I can live, but just barely. So I have a job (about 20hrs a week) and go to school full time.

    I feel like I haven't really learned anything useful from classes themselves. I mean sure I know a lot more about writing, and design, media, PR, etc, because that's what I'm taking. Most of it however, seems like something I could just learn on my own with modern technology. But college is about an experience more than anything. It's just a buffer between becoming an adult and working every day.

    Personally, I hate it. I realized today that I have pretty much nothing left where I am, and I feel like I'm going nowhere. I'm inclined to do the work on my Blazer, fill up and head west, but that's another thread itself.

    Sorry for the wall 'o' text but I've been thinking about this recently as well, and I'm high smoking my last bowl for a at least a few days (bummer). Thanks!
  13. Ya im always open to others points of few. A close friend of mine who is a very smart guy hated school as well. He wasnt inspired or motivated by it but instead hated every part of it. I think schools should welcome and motivate all people so hearing the other side is important to improve
  14. I think your being a little too paranoid about the governerment. Yes, i think the government wants us to be as smart smart as possible so taht it reflects better on them as a nation and can accomplish technological breakthroughts and advancements.

    What i do believe is the way in which the current system is set up(in my current state, not as much as in my previous state) only teaches you how to memorize and study hard. There is just about absolutely no sense of common knowledge or of figuring things out on your own
  15. there isnt a conspiracy out there to make americans dumber through school. i think a lot of prescription drugs are doing a good job with that.

    school is a good thing if you use it to its fullest advantage. if you cant afford private schooling or dont want to drive an hour away to the closest one.. then work hard at earning a scholorship to a local university. the top 5 graduating kids at my high school (class of 110) went to college for free. your chances of making more money are greatly increased with a bachelors degree. (depending on your field of study).

    if you dont wanna go that route, and wanna do a manual labor/ skilled trade type job.. start early! so by the time your in your 30's you will have worked your way up to a supervisor position, or maybe grown enough knowledge to start your own business in that field..

    anyways.. schools arent making kids dumb. video games, internet, and tv are. :wave:
  16. i think that the school system is filling kids with information they dont need in their lives.
    if somone wants to be a chemist when they grow up then they should be able to choose to take higher math and science.

    but if somone wants to be a welder they should be able to choose to take shop classes. so basically have the students choose all of their classes for what they want to do with their lives and quit wasting time learning things they dont really need or arnt interested in.

    thats why i think a lot of kids these days really dislike school is because they dont care about what they are learning but if it was somthing they were interested in they would be involved and ready to learn
  17. School teaches you stuff and SOME of it is useless.

    You really start learning once you graduate, go into the real world, and learn for yourself.....not by being force fed useless crap......
  18. It's not even that. The aspect of school has been twisted in the views of many. You're born you live, you go to school to try to find a job to make money to support you/your family and then you retire, get old and die. School is hell I tell you. There's got to be an easier way.
  19. I, too, would like to hear.
  20. School is just used to raise up lifetime consumers. It teaches you all the ways to pay for an education, then move onto a career so you can make more money and buy more things and pay more taxes

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