The true Value of everything

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by Gooch_Goblin69, Jun 14, 2010.

  1. I realized a couple weeks ago on acid that many today do not know the true value of anything, even life it's self.

    The value of an Ipod?

    The value of a carrot?

    The value of your life?

    I would like to hear someone elses critique of the value of these three items, then I will respond with my thoughts on the true values of things, because I like to gather different subjective view points, as they help us all move toward the objective truth. I will not provide my views at this time as to not taint anyone elses responses with my own thinking.
  2. Well, if by ''true value'' you mean an objective value....I don't think I could ever come up with that.
  3. #3 Gooch_Goblin69, Jun 14, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 14, 2010
    I would define the objective value as exactly what happened to make that thing happen. Of course subjective labels are almost inevitably thrown on top of everything.

  4. The value of all those is unfathomable I would imagine.
  5. Ok....

    1. Ipod... I wouldn't pay more than 100 bucks for that... and that's only because it's an Ipod. If it were just any mp3 player, than it's less than 50 dollars.

    2. a carrot... 10 cents?

    3. My life... at least 1 billion dollars. :D
  6. to me the value of an ipod is nothing, the value of a carrot only to extend life, and the value of life is immeasurable
  7. The value of an Ipod? This have no real value to me but keeps me entertained, would be fine without it

    The value of a carrot? Food has enough value to keep you alive but a carrot itself not so much it is just another selection of food

    The value of your life? Ask the ones who love me, my life has no value to me because once I die it is over. The one's I love and who love me see value in my presence and time on earth.
  8. #8 peachesoncracrk, Jun 14, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 14, 2010
    TRUE value?

    well for them to be TRUE the value would have to be constant no matter what

    there is no TRUE value to anything, even life as thats taken for granted as well

    value is relative, the value of everything is that everything is here ready to be potentially valued

    who can see the value in what, is subjective to the point of opinions and what that thing does for them
  9. Beyond money value, an Ipod allows us to carry many types of harmonics. It allows us to store music that we personally enjoy, and I know for me personally, without music, I would be annoyed all the time. Music allows me to calm down in many situations and it also allows me to "escape" certain situations I am in. I would shell out money for an Ipod, hands down.

    The value of a carrot is huge, along with every other healthy food. It is not just food to eat when you are hungry, it is refueling you. Have you ever ate food and just enjoyed the shit out of it, almost like its the greatest thing ever?

    The value of life is nothing, because it seems that life could possibly be universal. The value of our consciousness, as of now, is priceless. There is no value to life, because then that would mean universal life is "special," which is not because it could be very common. The value goes up with the rarity of the item, so our consciousness is the most valuable thing.
  10. Music is essential to the human soul, it is the the universe's hymns.

  11. do you think totally deaf people from birth have the ability whilst meditating or tripping to perceive "sounds"?
  12. i actually do, but in the same way we hear. imo, i bet they feel the vibrations and can tell the different wave lengths, but they wouldn't be able to make out words or anything like that
  13. Money has no intrinsic value, just meaningless pieces of paper; the power money has is an illusion, because we believe in the illusion

    A life should not be measured by monetary value, that's why I don't have life insurance (lol but no kids).

    You can't put a dollar figure on the value of a life, but some companies do

  14. Does your soul need music often to survive or for nourishment? I'm intrigued, why is this so? Where is this soul you are talking about, what does it need to survive or thrive?

    Would someone live a less fulfilling spiritual life if they have never heard a piece of music played, if you were comparing it to someone who had?

    Like the hermit who lives in a cave all day and has never heard the sound of a guitar, comparing him with a musician whose main hobby is the guitar
  15. Those are prices, remember price and value are not the same thing.


    For an Ipod to exist. Someone had to come up with the idea of storing music electronically. As we know creating original ideas is not easy(brain power+time it took someone to come up with that idea) then they had to figure how how to electronically make that work, putting wires and microchips and all that together(more time and effort). Then after the blue prints are made, someone else had to use time and effort to build the accual Ipod that you would consume

    Those who said the value of IPOD is nothing are ingoring all of this human effort and brain power that went into it.

    A carrots value? what about all the effort of the farmer who went out everyday and watered weeded and cared for the carrot(s).

    Life: all of your forefathers and mothers efforts to stay alive. This value is truly unknowable unless you know everything, you should appreciate though that people and things died so you could live. (IE you ancestor mabye killed someone so they could stay alive and ultimately live, or your other ancestor masssacred an entire family of bears so he could eat them and survive the winter)

    Things die so other things can live. Your cost is someone eleses benefit. Your benefit is someone elses cost.

    Is their reason to be other-oriented other than fuflilling selfish goals?

    Even when you give to be charitable your only doing because of YOUR need/want to give charitably.
  16. Yes those are the subjective values of those things relative to you.

    I'm looking for the objective value of things though, however broadly or narrowly that can be defined.
  17. You had to say a whole paragraph to describe 'value' of an ipod.

    For an Ipod to exist. Someone had to come up with the idea of storing music electronically. As we know creating original ideas is not easy(brain power+time it took someone to come up with that idea) then they had to figure how how to electronically make that work, putting wires and microchips and all that together(more time and effort). Then after the blue prints are made, someone else had to use time and effort to build the accual Ipod that you would consume...."

    I can shorten it to just one word. 100 bucks.

    Well, actually that's two words.
  18. So OP what is the "objective truth" now that you have had some input? :wave:
  19. After reading this thread i just realised... I WANT A MOTHER FUCKING CARROT!!!!!!! so i went to the kitchen and ate one :D
  20. Objectively, these things are equally irrelevant or all-important.

    "Objective value" is an oxymoron.

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