The top 13 reasons to legalize drugs

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by seattle420, Feb 3, 2001.

  1. The top 13 reasons to legalize drugs
    *1. Legalizing drugs would make our streets and homes safer!
    *2 It would put an end to prison overcrowding!
    *3 Drug legalization would free up police resources to fight REAL crimes!
    *4 It would unclog the court system!
    *5 It would reduce official corruption!
    *6 Legalization would save tax money!
    *7 It would cripple organized crime!
    *8 Legal drugs would be safer!
    *9 Legalization would help stem the spread of AIDS and other diseases!
    *10 Legalization would halt the erosion of our personal liberties!
    *11 It would stabilize foreign countries and make them safer to live
    in and travel to!
    *12 Legalization would repair U.S. relations with other coutries and
    curtail anti-American sentiment around the world!

  2. Did you come up with these on your own? Sorry but I just think that alot of drugs that are illegal, are illegal for a good reason, I only support the legalization of marijuana. Shrooms would be nice if they were legalized as long as they are used in respondable matter.


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