The Toltec Perspective

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by DaBondoja, Jan 25, 2013.

  1. So Ive been reading a book lately, titled the four agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. If you enjoy motivational, insightful, or even the occasional, enthusiastic read, I would seriously recommend It. It focuses on the fact that the brain can dream, and insist we are also always dreaming, just less consciously than we thought. To be easily said, this book can really put the whole world into perspective, and teach you to be at peace with the world and best of all yourself. It has practically become my lifes pocket guide, as whenever I feel even distraught this book can turn things around for me. Anyhow, heres a link explaining some of the principles contained within the book. I hope someone finds this useful! (Everyone should)
    Summary of the Four Agreements
  2. Sounds like a general perspective people used to teach their kids. More self realisation that takes people awhile to understand until later in life. Would i buy the book? Probably not.
  3. Being 1/4 native to this country my family have always been exploring our spiritual boundaries and historic culture, and this book has been passed through to many friends an family, and they all returned it happily with nothing but good remarks.
    I totally agree with the above, but in today's society self realization has become more difficult with all the images we perceive as "beautiful" or "cool" because its up on a billboard and we somewhat try to "fit" within these images. If it were 400 years back, self realization would be less difficult as we would seek to satisfy ourselves and loved ones, where today people feel the extreme need to dress, act, or criticise simply to satisfy people they might no even know, just to fit in.
    My main point is Ive had social anxiety my whole life, and felt like I had to fit in. The harder I tried, usually the worse it went. I became a viscous cycle until the point where I no longer even wanted to try. This book helped me realize how my brain worked, and how I let my lack of integrity destroy my life. The book is in essence the toolbox for achieving self integrity, which is the key to happiness. If I had not read this Id be the same individual, wondering why everyone dislikes me, and hoping for the best rather than doing my best, and you cant do your best until you know what your truly capable of.
  4. Sounds fair enough. Its a good reminder to keep things in a healthy perspective.
  5. Well, I can't comment on the book as I have not read it, but I am glad that it helped you in the way that it did. If it has affected you in the way you describe, it can't be a half bad book. Being at peace with yourself is a difficult thing to do, especially in this world. I caveat my comment with the fact that you shouldn't rely too heavily on one source for anything. Be open to different views, however you may choose to feel about them.

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