The three leaved seedling...

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Tyrae1, Feb 25, 2013.

  1. So this is my second attempt at growing after my first one died in the dirt.
    I have 2 seedlings growing now, they were planted on Friday the 15th they sprouted on Tuesday the 19th and are now 6days old on Monday the 25th.
    So seedling #1 is 2 leaved regular seedling and is growing quite vigorously for its age, I've only noticed some curling on her lower leaves due to heat stress I believe, I've lowered the temps in the room though and the leaves seem to be uncurling...
    Now seedling # 2 is a 3 leaved plant. It is growing at a slightly slower pace then her sister but growing well none the less. Now what has me worried is that her stem is red, all the way through and it has been ever since she was sprouted, my other seedling has always had a nice long green stem, but no not three leave shes always had this stumpy red/purplish looking stem. What is this? Why is her stem red? Is it a sign of a problem or just genetic? Is there anything I can do to help her?

    Any and all advice is welcome. :smoking:

    Oh and here's a link to my journal, stop by and check it out. Its got my first and second attempts. :D

    Attached Files:

  2. Not uncommon, relax. Just some genes coming forth.

    Once she reaches maturity (or flower) she will start alternating nodes, and it will become unnoticeable.

    Fun to watch grow though.
  3. Aha sweet. =) Good to know, I just really don't want to kill these seedlings like I did my last ones...
    I've also noticed that compared to my 2leaved seedling the 3leaved seedling is starting to grow at a much slower rate, I guess this is normal since shes gotta make an extra leave and branch at every node?

    Very fun to watch grow, its so fast. Relatively speaking. ^^
  4. what kind of lights u got on them
  5. I want 3 leaved plant. Wonder if u get 1.5 times the pot :) I heard purple stem can be from genetics I don't think it serious
  6. Oh I wanted one too ever since I heard of their existence. I got lucky with this one, just a random bagseed. :cool: And actually you get 20% more bud, due to it being 20% bigger then another plant that has two leaves. But it also does take longer to grow, due to it having to grow 20% more leaves stems and everything, I've also heard they are more prone to being male for some reason...
  7. No you really do not see an improved yield.... sorry
  8. Not improved, but more yield due to there simply being more branches...
  9. I have a strawberry cough plant that I noticed one of the branches was doing this, so I chopped the branch and cloned the top and it took root about 2 weeks ago. A few days ago I pinched the top on it, and 3 tops sprang up! I'm hoping it passes it down to the next clones, because i'm keeping this one as a mother for the simple fact that every time I pinch it I can then take 3 clones off the tops that sprout instead of 2! I'm waiting to see just what this mother does when I am done with her and switch her over in the future!

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