The Survival of Character Education

Discussion in 'General' started by characteredu, Mar 31, 2011.

  1. With a reduction of counseling positions, it is becoming increasingly difficult for schools to maintain high quality character education programs. Frankly, faced with reductions in overall campus staff, increased demands on our classroom teachers, and reduced funding to purchase character materials - there often isn't the manpower and/or available finances to keep a consistently strong character education program up and running. Yet, despite the problems besieging them, many of our school principals around the nation refuse to give up on developing strong school wide character programs as they simply reject the notion that SpongeBob Squarepants, Hannah Montana, iCarly, or even Yu-Gi-Oh can do a better job!
  2. A teacher that is interesting, knowlegable and can relate to their class is worth a million times that of one of those 'characters'...

    Frankly they are a cop-out for lesson planning.

    Good riddence to these programmes, says I.
  3. I don't know what you're trying to say but if you're talking shit about Hannah Montana I'm gonna kick your ass.
  4. Click on the sig of the OP, it is a character that gives educational information, in place of a teacher.

    Fortunately, I wasn't subjected to that rubbish. I had an actual teacher to do that job. :)
  5. im sooooo confused..
    but then again,i dropped out so cant say school did much for me.
    then again, my p.o. made me drop out..stupid bitch

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