The summoning of a Demon

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Weedity, Jul 23, 2013.

  1. #1 Weedity, Jul 23, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 27, 2013
    I watched The Conjuring the other day with my girlfriend, great movie by the way, but it got me interested in Demons and what not.

    So I do some research on religions and Demons. Exorcisms and thinks like that, pretty interesting. 

    What interested me more was the summoning of Demons. I have read about people using Demons to talk with, people summoning Demons as a joke and having real issues, people with Demonic knowledge summoning Demons to help them and work with them as equals, etc. Some weird fucking shit.

    Out of all the far fetched things I have read about, this one seems the most odd. I have read several forums and blogs about people summoning Demons, sometimes as a mere joke, and shit actually happening to them. 

    Curiosity always gets to me, I can't help it. I used to be religious, and used to believe in God and Satan. So demons doesn't seem so unbelievable to me. But who knows? Maybe it's all the weed I smoke, but still, now I want to try to summon a Demon see if something actually goes down.....

    Does anyone believe these kinds of things? Does anyone have past experiences with Demons and what not? I have googled these things and people take this shit very seriously, telling others to NEVER summon Demons and what not. I just can't help it. I want to find out. 

    Edit: Perhaps this is not for shits and gigs after all. 

    Wanting to dive into the unknown depths of something isn't ignorant. It is more like being ballsy and stupid. To each his own. If someone wants to summon a Demon, that isn't ignorant as much as it is stupid. I mean fuck, honestly I don't even believe in the shit. That is what makes me so curious about the summoning of them. To SEE the unknown and make it KNOWN.

    Also, to anyone that doesn't know already. I GAVE THIS UP. THERE IS NO ME SUMMONING DEMONS. It's better to just not bother with the shit no matter what my view on it is. I have other things I am interested in. 
  2. First off : rate the movie on a scale from 1-10. I was planning on watching that movie too

    Second: do it and please oh please record it and post it on GC. live feed or GC exclusive.

    Third: do it
  3. I'd rate it 8.5 or 9 out of 10. The characters are like-able, unlike most horror movies, and the movie was put together real well. Honestly, haven't had that much fun in the movies since I was a little child.

    On second thought, I just felt like something poked me on the shoulder at work. I jumped out of my chair and turned around, nothing was there. I think I was sketching myself out or something. Thinking that it was probably a muscle reflex.  But it got me thinking, maaaaybe this isn't sucha good idea after all....

  4. well seeing as demons don't exist it'd be a massive waste of time. stick to watching the movies
  5. #5 Weedity, Jul 23, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 23, 2013
    I would have said the same thing yesterday. Do some research, there are MANY people who swear by this, and MANY people who experiment with this as a joke with friends and end up regretting it. 

    I read this whole thread, kid seems to not be trolling and it's a bit odd:

    bit of a loony site here:

    Still some weird stuff. Deep, creepy, curious stuff......

    I'd like to give it a whirl with my buddies after ripping some bong in my family room on the table. Maybe do some ritual. But you know, many people have told me so far it is real and to NOT even do it as a joke. Then I feel an odd poke on my shoulder at work? Thinking I probably am just NOT going to fuck with this shit even if I don't believe in it. 
  6. The supernatural is nothing to play with. Leave it alone.
  7. Demons do exist and i suggest not trying to summon one or fucking with the unknown. You might get a demon permanently on your ass
  8. It's just, I love experimenting with the unknown. What if I could really speak to a Demon? A creature not of this world....

    Just thinking about it makes me all excited. I want to see it for myself. I AM a disbeliever, skeptic of this whole thing. But many sane people have said not to fuck with this shit and I have a deep fear but curiosity that this Demon shit might actually be true.....
  9. What are you waiting for? Go do it.
  10. #10 JamesLee52, Jul 23, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 23, 2013
    Nah man. I bet the people who are telling you to would never do it themselves.
    I used yo hear footsteps up and down my hall at night for months on end when I was little.

    FYI. Everyone was asleep.

    Edit: Wow people on are dicks. :laughing:
  11. If I do decide to do it, it'll will be with my buddies at bong sesh.

    Bong sesh is when two of my friends come over and we rip bong all night and watch movies until we all pass out from being stoned. It's a tradition we do every weekend. I figured instead of watching some movie stoned, we can summon a demon stoned, whilst ripping bong. 

    I mean, has anyone tried to summon a Demon to blaze with it before? 
  12. #12 FatGrow, Jul 23, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 23, 2013
    uhh even before I ever smoked weed the energy and presence of demons is as real as it gets, dont fuck with this stuff you will regret it.
    I'm not exactly one to be scared of the dark, but I can tell you right now that demonic presences are as real as day, the most craziest of demonic things I've experienced was having "sleep paralysis" and me sleeping at night I feel evil things around my bed I'm telling you right now that I'm not a paranoid person and I this stuff even happened before I ever smoked, I've even had a dream where I was laying in my bed, fell asleep, woke up in the same place and there was a demon at the foot of my bed it grabbed my feet and flung me up into the ceiling, I also had a dream when I was young(astral projection) everyone in my house was moving about doing their own things and a demon was at the door of my room(in my old room my door was right by my bed) and I went to see If it really was a demon and it touched me which led to me waking up, weird? hell yes.
    I also read seen a documentary about what jews really study and they believe demons are in different dimensions and your dreams are a dimension in which demons can take part in unless you control your dreams.
  13. I'm not saying your a liar, I do believe you. 

    Look at it this way though, if I were to tell your story to an average person I see everyday, like my friends, family, etc. They would call the story a lie. You made it up for attention, you have a mental issue, etc. Not saying you do, but society thinks this way.

    That's what bothers me. I'll always be stuck in the "unknown"! I'm not a believer, I'm not a dis-believer. It's just my whole life will be 

    "oh, demons exist alright I have seen them"


    "Oh, those people are just loonies."

    I'll never know for a FACT, and that is what gets to me. I want to know. I want to see the unknown, I want to see what an average person doesn't want or doesn't ever see. 
    But if you are short-sighted enough, do it.
    I won't feel bad for you.
  15. #15 lazytoker, Jul 23, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 23, 2013
    If it always happens when you're in bed trying to sleep, or are sleeping... then it's just hallucinations, or a dream. These things have happened to me, and I certainly don't believe in demons. Ever heard of hypnagogic hallucinations?
  16. Ignorant? Nah. Curious. For ME it is to see the unknown. 
    It is complete ignorance, but I'll just leave it at that. It's your choice.
  18. #18 MrVoorhees, Jul 23, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 23, 2013
    You should definitely do it.  
    Actually the book is shit but it looks scary!

    Attached Files:

  19. inb4 OP is forever haunted
  20. Demons and angels exist. You can summon a demon, if you do the right ritual etc. but demons work for Satan. That's not the type of shit I would want to fuck with.

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